Grades have been submitted, and the grading sheet for the final is posted on the password-protected solutions page. On the final there were 203 points. The average was 128; the standard deviation was 29. High score was 192; low score was 74. There were 8 A's (2 A+, 5 A, 1 A-), 13 B's (5 B+, 6 B, 2 B-), 7 C's (1 C+, 3 C, 3 C-), 1 D, and 2 F's. Except for A-/B+, the boundaries were straightforward; the 5 B+'s were comparable to each other, with no obvious robust fair way (at least in the time I had available before the deadline to submit grades) to raise 2 of them to A-, which was the sort of distribution I had anticipated. This group was ~70 points (in my primary cumulative total) lower than the middle A's and only ~35 points higher than middle B's.
Best wishes for the summer and the future!!
Solutions to Assignment 10 are now posted, and your submissions have been graded. On Tuesday May 15 there will be a question/review session at 4:00pm in room 1402, the usual classroom (in which the final will also take place on Thursday May 17 at 1:30pm); send me email about topics to review. You can pick up your homework at the review session on Tuesday or from me in my office. It may be hard to find me much of Wednesday, since NSF reps will be here reviewing the umbrella grant that supports most of my research. While the final is cumulative, over half the problems will come from material since the second midterm, namely chapters 6 and 7 of the text. You may bring to (and use during) the final exam a sheet of paper on which you may write whatever you like on one side. You must prepare this sheet yourself (and not just photocopy a classmate's). Solutions to Homework Assignment 9 are now posted.The first version of the study guide for the final exam is now posted. Homework Assignment 10 is now posted; the deadline is the last day of class, May 10, but solutions will not posted till Friday afternoon, so you can turn in this problem set (by slipping it under the door of my office [room 2310] or putting it in my mail slot in room 2323) until 3pm Friday May 11 without penalty. It will be marked and available to you by midday Monday; come to my office to pick it up. The Grading Sheet used to mark the second midterm is now posted on the protected solutions page. Out of 136 possible point, the average was 94.7, standard deviation 23.4, high score 128, low score 45. Remember that the course is graded on a curve. Note that the course cumulative score is obtained by adding up, with the advertized weighting factors, the numbers from all the components, so not doing homework not only damages the learning process but also lowers the final weighted total considerably, since a 0 is much lower than a mediocre score.
Last updated: May 21, 2007
Prof. Theodore L. Einstein
Room: 2310 Physics
Phone: 301-405-6147
Email: einstein at
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 12:30 - 1:50 p.m.
1402, John
S. Toll Physics Bldg.
Teaching Assistant: Yigit Subasi
3101 Physics
Phone: 301-405-6194
ysubasi at
Physics Department, |