Course description:
PHYS401 Quantum Physics I; (4 credits) Grade Method: REG/P-F/AUD.
Prerequisite: PHYS273.
Corequisites: PHYS374 and MATH240. Credit will be granted for only one of the following: PHYS401 or PHYS421. Formerly PHYS 421. Introduces some quantum phenomena leading to wave-particle duality. Schrödinger theory for bound states and scattering in one dimension. One-particle Schrödinger equation and thehydrogen atom.
Instructor:0101(56013) Brill, D. (FULL: Seats=30, Open=0, Waitlist=0) Books
- M......... 3:00pm- 4:50pm (PHY 4208)
- W......... 3:00pm- 4:50pm (PHY 4208)
- F.........12:00om-12:50pm (PHY 0405) optional problem session
Adam Cohen
4219 Physics Building
(301) 405-6073
Office hours etc: see
YOU (students)
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by David J. Griffiths. This book has been used for this course for a number of years. The current edition is the second edition, whose preface reassures us that there are "as few changes [as possible], even preserving the numbering of problems and
equations, where possible". A used first edition will therefore be acceptable, recognized by the cat facing to the right, as at the top. If you don't have your book yet you can read the first 7 pages at Amazon, which opines
This book first teaches learners how to do quantum mechanics, and then provides them with a more insightful discussion of what it means.
Fundamental principles are covered, quantum theory presented, and special techniques developed for attacking realistic problems. The book's two-part coverage organizes topics under basic theory, and assembles an arsenal of approximation schemes with illustrative applications.
We may not strictly follow this two-pronged approach -- in other words, we may jump around in the book to some extent.
Exams, Homework
We will have a mid-term exam and a final exam, both lasting two hours, and counting approximately equally toward you final grade. You will also have homework, approximately weekly, counting 10-20% of the final grade (more detail to be posted later).
My intent is to cover about half the material of the textbook (more than in the above "course description"). By the time of the mid-term exam we should at least have covered chapters 1 and 2 and some of the applications. I will post more details as we go along. In any case, the contents of the course -- and hence what is "fair" on exams" -- is defined by the lectures and homework, rather than by chapters in any one textbook.
Below is a list of the approximate textbook pages corresponding to exach lecture
Lecture Date | pages | |
January 14 | deBroglie waves; 60, 64 | |
January 29 | 1-5, 12-18 | |
January 31 | 24-30 | |
February 5 | 30-40 | |
February 7 | 40-51 | |
February 12 | 59-62, 70, 105 | |
February 19 | 68-78 | |
February 21 | 94-97 | |
February 26 | 98-102, 106-107, 118-120, 122-123 | |
February 28 | 103-105, 108-109 | |
March 5 | 131-135 | |
March 12 | 140-141, 160-161, 167-168 | |
March 14 | 162-166, 136-138 | |
Match 26 | Stuff not really in the book: 3D SHO, symmetry breaking by Bz, mixing of states for time-dependent dipole moment | |
March 28 | 140-145 | |
April 2 | 146-150 | |
April 4 | 151, 157-158, 201-202 | |
April 9 | 299-300, 249-250 | |
April 11 | 279, effect of finite-size nucleus | |
April 18 | matrices | |
April 23 | 257-261 | |
April 25 | 171-180 | |
April 30 | 181-184 | |
May 2 | 185-188, 283-285 | |
May 7 | 271-275 | |
May 9 | 277-283 | |
May 15 | Final Exam 1:30-3:30 pm PHYS1412 |
Applets: 1D infinite well see 1D Quantum Mechanics Applet