Physics 374 Syllabus (tentative)
Prof. E. F. Redish
- The Kinds of "Things" -- Mathematical Structures
- Numbers -- integers, rational, real, complex
- Measurement -- dimensional analysis
- Relationships -- functions and functional dependence
- More complex objects
- Expansions, Approximations, and Estimations
- Particles (Ordinary Differential Equations)
- Linear Motion
- Viscous Damping -- Interpreting exact solutions
- Drag Damping -- Interpreting numerical solutions
- Conservation Laws and Symmetries -- Momentum and energy
- Rotational Motion
- Coordinate Systems
- Conservation Laws and Symmetries -- Angular momentum and energy
- Oscillations and Waves (Matrices and transforms)
- Coupled Oscillators -- normal modes and eigenvectors
- Modeling the Continuous Elastic string -- Fourier transforms
- Fields (Partial Differential Equations)
- Temperature -- A scalar field, the diffiusion equation
- Fluid Flow -- A vector field, the Navier-Stokes equation
- Electromagnetic Fields -- Maxwell's equations

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This page prepared by
Edward F. Redish
Department of Physics
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Phone: (301) 405-6120
Last revision 12. August, 2005