PHYS 273H - Spring 2013:
Honors Project
As a student in the honors
section of Physics 273, you will be doing independent research on a special
topic related to waves. The goal of the project is for you to learn in detail
about some physics which is not covered (or only briefly covered) in class. At
the end of the semester you will give a 15 minute presentation for the other
honors students on your work.
Project Types:
You are free to decide the scope and style of your project, subject to approval
by the instructor. Here are several possibilities:
Project Proposal: Write a proposal for your project, including the type of project and
its topic. I will approve the proposal or suggest changes. Your project
proposal must include:
You must turn in your project proposal to me
by Thursday February 20th. We will meet to discuss your proposals in class on
Friday February 21th.
Final presentation: At the end of the semester you will present the results of your
project to the other Phys 272H students in a 15 minute presentation. We will
arrange an appropriate time to meet, most likely be during exam week. As noted
above, your grading scheme should include the final presentation.
Phys 273H meetings: We will meet as a group once a month to discuss the status of your projects.
We will meet during class (9:00 am) on February 20, March 14, and April 25. You
are required to attend these meetings. (Any absence must be excused).