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Homework typically consists of 2 parts.
Please note that both the problems -- whether done in MP or on paper -- are intended to be HARD. They are NOT simply, "you've seen this sort of thing before, just make some small changes." They are rather, "you learn best by figuring out stuff that isn't obvious". For this reason, we strongly recommend you find a group and work together on these problems. (But be sure you write the answers up independently. Answers from different students that are nearly identical, neither will receive credit.) Both parts will be due at the beginning of lecture on Friday. No homework will be accepted after the solutions are released on BlackBoard. Homework
Assignment 1 To be done on paper and handed in at the beginning of lecture on Wednesday (these problems should be typed and printed). 1. What's conserved? (5 pts) To be done in the MP environment: the following problems (found at HW01) 1. The bulldog on the skateboard (3 pts) 2. The Gauss gun (3 pts) 3. Random vs coherent motion (Listeria) (4 pts) |
This page prepared by
Edward F. RedishLast revision 26 January, 2013.