These are the slides presenting the clicker questions from the PowerPoint presentation used in lecture. They will be posted either after the lecture takes place since I want you to look at them in lecture without having thought about them before coming to class. Not all problems or clicker questions we do are represented by sldes and they are not included here.
The files are Adobe PDF files. If you do not have a PDF reader on your computer, or if your reader is too old to read these files, download and install a reader from the Adobe website at
9/2 | 9/9 | 9/12 | 9/14 | 9/16 | 9/21 | 9/23 |
9/26 | 9/28 | 10/3 | 10/12 | 10/17 | 10/19 | 10/21 |
10/26 | 10/28 | 10/31 | 11/2 | 11/4 | 11/7 | 11/18 |
11/21 | 11/28 | 11/30 | 12/5 | 12/7 | 12/9 |
University of Maryland | Physics Department | Physics 131 Home |
Last revision 12.December, 2011.