Lecture HomeWork 12 
Physics 121, Fall 2010
Prof. E. F. Redish

Lecture homework consists
of 2 parts.
- One part is to be done online in
the MasteringPhysics (MP) environment. This includes a few MP problems plus
a few problems from my collection. The MP problems will be exercises, worth
1 or 2 point eachs. You may use any hints that are available and you can
do them as many times as you want. The problems from my collection are worth
2-3 points each.
- The second part are problems
from my collection. It should be prepared carefully and neatly on
paper (preferably on a computer and printed out).
- Please be certain to put your name and section number on every page
and do NOT CONNECT THE PAGES with staples, clips, tape, or dogears.
Connecting them may result in you homework being damaged or destroyed.
Both parts will be due at the beginning of lecture on Fridays.
No homework will be accepted after the solutions are released on BlackBoard
(at 12:00 PM on the Friday when it is due).
Assignment 12L
(Due Friday, 12/10/10)
be done on paper and handed in at the beginning of lecture on Friday
(these problem should be typed and printed).
1. Heating
water in a copper pot (5 pts)
2. Hold
the Mayo! (3 pts)
be done in the MP environment. 1 MP problems (1 pts each) plus the following:
3. The
concrete canoe (2 pts)
4. The
penny and the jelly donut (2
5. Full
of hot air (2 pts)
6. Now
you're cookin'! (2 pts)

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This page prepared by
Edward F. Redish
Department of Physics
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Phone: (301) 405-6120
Email: redish@physics.umd.edu
Last revision 4. December,