As well as the list of <Short Notes on Special Topics> which are posted from time to time
(last updated Mon. 1`/14/08)

To review the course Homework Policy, click: Homework Policy


For Homework Assignments and original and (occasionally) updated due dates, click: HWAssignments.


For the text of HW Problems assigned from the FIFTH EDITION of Physics:A World View, click HW1Txt, HW2Txt, HW3Txt, HW4Txt, HW5Txt. HW6Txt, HW7Txt, HW8Txt, HW9Txt, HW10Txt, HW11Txt, HW12Txt, & HW13Txt.
(This is the complete list of HW problem sets.)


For the text of conceptual questions and exercises from from the FIFTH EDITION of Physics:A World View, chapter by chapter, click CQ&ExCh2, CQ&ExCh3, CQ&ExCh4. CQ&ExCh5, CQ&Ex Ch6,CQ&Ex Ch7,CQ&Ex Ch9,

CQ&Ex Ch10, CQ&Ex Ch11,CQ&Ex Ch13, CQ&Ex Ch14, CQ&Ex Ch15, CQ&Ex Ch23, CQ&Ex Ch24,

(This is the complete list of Conceptual Question/ Exercise sets for the Chapters of Interest.)


For the HW Solutions, click: HW1Slns, HW#2Slns, HW#3Slns HW#4Slns, HW#5Slns,.HW#6Slns,HW#7Slns, HW#8Slns, HW#9Slns, HW#10Slns, HW11Slns, HW#12Slns, & HW#13Slns (This is the complete set of HW solutions.)


For any revisions of HW due dates, click: RecentAnnouncements or (the less frequently updated) HWAssignments.


Short Notes on Special Topics: From time to time, short (one or two pages) supplementary notes on a special topic of the course are published here. The list for Spring 07 includes 1DKinematics;Static and Sliding Friction;UniformCircularMotion;Adding Vectors; Kepler'sIIILaw;ThePendulum; Exponential Growth.IdealGas 2nd Law and Entropy


In Class Clicker Q&A:
For the text and answer view graphs of in class clicker questions, click Participation.