Various Course Announcements, dated, are posted here, latest at the top (including posting dates of HW solutions and links to the solutions themselves):

05/24/05: As usual, the computer has printed a final exam summary sheet for each student. If you would like to have yours, you may come to Room 2108 Physics and ask Mrs. Robinette for it. (I recommend that you call ahead (301-405-6115) to avoid the disappointment that no one happens to be in the office when you come.) Alternatively, send us an envelope with your address on it and we'll mail it to you. And yet a third possibility: email me the message (<>)that that you would like me to put it in an envelope for you in the slot outside my office (Physics 2109), and you can pick it up there at your own convenience.
with best wishes to you all,
J. Griffin

05/23/05: Individual Course Records, including letter grade and rank in class have been posted on WebCT. Use your password to see your own record. The record includes the Letter Grade = UMEG grade; your rank in class (of 40); your Course Score, which determines the class rank and the letter grade. It also includes your Final Exam Raw Score (out of 120), your Normalized Final Exam Score, your Adjusted Test Score (obtained by dropping your worst normalized one exam hour score) and your normalized test score, NTS. In addition, it includes your total Lab score, your Adjusted Lab Score, yielding the maximum of 100 for all who acquired 80% (160) of the maximum possible total lab score (200), and your normalized lab score, NLS. Finally, it includes your Total HW score (out of a maximum of 132), your Adjusted HW score (with the max of 100 for all who acquired 80% (105.6) or more of the maximum), and your normalized HW score, NHS. Your Course Score is computed as follows: CsSc = 0.6*NTS+0.3*NLS+0.1*NHS, and CsSc determines your rank in class and your letter grade. Check Grading Policy for more discussion of this process. The class' Raw Exam Score and Course Score histograms will be posted here soon, as well as the Final Exam text and answer key.

05/20/05: Final Exam is Friday, 5/20/05, from 8AM to 10 AM in our usual lecture hall, Physics 1410. Click to view Assigned Seating, which is the same as that for Exam III. Come on time, but late is better than not at all. Note that a matching question table covering the whole course will be posed in questions 99-108. Since these questions may go more quickly than others, you may wish to treat them out of order. Otherwise the exam follows the familiar multiple choice format, and the rules are the same: Open book, any notes and self powered calculators allowed, and no outside communications devices in the room.We hope to have grades and course records posted on WebCT by Tuesday.

05/05/05: Ch 14 and Ch 23 (7 lectures in all, out of a total of 39) were not covered in any of Exams I, II, or III, and will therefore occur in the final exam with double weight. As a result they will comprise about 30% (=[2*7]/[32+2*7]) of the final exam and the material covered in Exams I, II, and III will comprise the remaining 70% (=[1*32/46]).

05/03/05: Individual ExIII Raw and Normalized Scores have been posted on WebCT. Use your password to see them. Also click to view the class distribution of ExIII(Raw)Scores.
05/02/05: Our Exam III results were not returned today....hopefully they will be available tomorrow. Check here for an update.
04/29/05(d): Errors found in the Key to ExIII of F04, posted on 4/06/05, have been corrected by replacing the key. In #20 a wrong answer was given in which the historically original fixed points of the Fahrenheit scale (body temperature, 100 deg.F and temperature of freezing salt brine 0 deg.F) were confused with the modern fixed points of the Fahrenheit scale (ice and freezing water, 32 deg F = 0 deg C, and steam and boling water (212 deg F = 100 deg C). In problem #56 a numerically incorrect answer (70 deg C) was given as correct when the actual answer is 45 deg. C.
04/29/05(c): The old S04FinalEx has been posted, together with the S04FinalKey-p1 and its overside, SO4FinalKey-p2. Click to view.

04/29/05(b): Course Re-scheduling to end of semester: We shall omit Ch.15 entirely, and move on to Ch. 23 on Mon 4/2 or Wed. 4/4 in order to discuss <The Story of the Quantum> and <The Early Atom> in the four lectures until the last class on 4/11/05. Also HW #12, previously due on Fri 4/6/05, will not be collected, although we recommend that you do not omit considering the Ch 23 problems therein. HW#13, about Ch 23, which was always scheduled for self-grading remains so, but note that Ch 23 will occur in the Final Exam, as will Ch 14, with double weight, so that this HW should not be overlooked.

04/29/05(a): Click to see list of students Missing Labs VI-X. If your name appears here and you think there is an error please settle the question before Thursday, which is the last chance to make up missing labs. You must do every lab and hand in everylab report to complete Phys117.
04/27/05: Click to view ExIIIAssignedSeating.
04/20/05(c):Exam III (Fri 4/29/05) will cover Ch10 (33%), Ch11&12 (combined 33%), and Ch13 (33%). Ch 14, 15, 23 & 24 will be covered in Final Exam (with double weighting). Note that HW#11, due till Mon 5/2/05, is about Ch 14 & 15, not covered by ExIII.

04/20/05(b): HW#10 due date is postponed from Friday 4/22 until Monday 4/25; HW #11 due date is postponed from Wed 4/27 till Monday 5/2/05, and HW#12 is postponed from Wed 5/4 till Fri. 5/6/05.

04/20/05(a): Notes on how to obtain the Ideal (or Perfect) Gas Law from the Impulse-Momentum theorem, Newton's Third Law, and the simple properties assumed for an ideal gas wre posted today. Click to view.
04/15/05: HW#12 Solutions and HW#13 Solutions were posted today. Click to view.
04/15/05: The F04 Final Exam Instructions, F04 Final Exam Text, F04 Final Exam Key Part A, and FO4Final Exam Key Part B were posted today. Click to view each separately.

04/13/05:HW#9 due date postponed (again!) from Friday till Monday 4/18/05; also HW#10
postponed from Wed 4/20 till Friday 4/22.

04/08/05(2nd item): Next HW(#9) due date postponed from Wed 4/13 to Fri 4/15.

04/08/05: A new clarifying paragraph has been added to the section "Course Letter Grades" under <Grading Policy> on this website. Click to view.

04/06/05: OldS04 ExIII and OldS04ExIIIKey, and OldF04ExIII and OldF04ExIIIKey* have been posted today: Click to view. You may wish to avoid viewing the answer Keys if you wish later on to use the exams as timed test runs, or you may want to use the exams as supplementary practise to augment the HW problems. *(Note added 4/29/05: a corrected key (for questions #20 and #56) has today replaced the key originally posted.)

04/05/05: The Lab Schedule under <Syllabus and Course Schedule> has been adjusted to the end of the semester for the omission of Feb 17 due to U. MD. Snow Day. The last scheduled Lab XI will be omitted this semester.
04/04/05: Individual ExII Raw and Renormalized scores have been posted on WebCT at <>. Use your password there to see your Physics 117 Ex II scores.
04/04/05: Click to view ExII Scores Distribution.
04/04/05: HW#8 due date is postponed from Wed 4/6 to Fri 4/8/05.

3/28/05: Due to possible conflict with a faculty meeting continuing beyond 6:00PM in Physics 1201, our Pre-Exam II Q/A session has been relocated to Room 2113 Physics.The time is unchanged: Thursday at 6:00PM.

3/25/05: The HWAssignments have been updated with currently applicable dates. Click to view. Also Ex II will cover Ch 5, 6, 7 and 9 (We skip Ch 8 entirely!) as indicated in class.
03/25A/05: More HW Solutions have been posted today. Click to view
HW8Solutions, HW9Solutions, HW10Solutions, or HW11Solutions.
03/18/05B:The old Exam II of Spring04 has been posted, together with its ANSWER KEY-IIS04. Consider whether you are well enough prepared to make good use of the exam for practise, and then Click to view.
03/18/05A:HW #7 due date is postponed from Mon 3/28 to Wed 3/30. Also more old exams are available for xeroxing in Star Center in Student Union, and ExII of Spring04 should be posted here soon.
03/16/05: The old Exam II of Fall 04 has been posted, together with its ANSWER KEY-IIF04. Consider whether you are well enough prepared to make good use of the exam for practise, and then Click to view.
03/11/05: Students who have missed labs must make them up this Thursday, March 17, during the Lab Make-up periods at 9:00 Am and 4:00 PM. Click to view our list of Students Missing Labs.

03/03/05:New HW due dates: HW#5:Wed3/9; HW#6:Wed3/16; HW#7: Mon3/28; HW#8: Mon4/4; HW#9, #10, #11, #12 due dates are still to be be specified. Also Early Warning Grades at must await the registration of Physics 117 for this semester, and will therefore be delayed, perhaps till early next week.

03/02/05: In view of the lecture missed on Monday, HW#5 is being further postponed until Wednesday, 3/9/05 (from last announced date of Monday 3/7/05).
03/02/05: Click to view the Histogram of ExI Raw Scores, and the table of Corresponding Early Warning Letter Grades.
2/25/05: HW#6Solutions and HW#7Solutions have been posted today, with modified due dates of Mon3/14/05 & Mon/3/28/05, respectively. Click to view.
2/25/05: HW#5 Solutions have been posted today. Click to view. Also, HW#5 due date has been postponed (again!) from Friday March 4 to Monday March 7.
2/24/05(4:15PM): The Q/A Session tonight will be held as scheduled at 6:00PM in Physics 1201.

2/24/05(10:50AM): Re University Snow Day closure, today, Thursday 2/24/05: I plan to be present in Physics 1201 at 6:00 PM tonight for the Pre-Exam I Q/A Session. I also expect Exam I to occur on schedule in tomorrow's class hour.
If the Q/A Session must, after all, be cancelled, I will post a notice here no later than 4:30 PM today to say so. If the University is closed again tomorrow, then the standard default policy applies: Exam I will be held during the next available lecture hour.

2/21/05: Exam I this Friday 2/25/05 will cover Ch 1, 2, 3, & 4. Pre-Exam I Q/A
session is scheduled for 6:00 PM Thu 2/24/05 in Physics 1201, opposite Starbucks. Old Exams are available in the Star Center in Student Union.
2/21/05: HW #4 and #5 due dates are postponed: HW#4 is now due on Mon. 2/28 instead of Wed 2/24; HW#5 is now due on Fri. 3/4 instead of Wed 3/2.
02/16/05:The scale used for Labs I and II grades was 0-10. But the Lab Manual (p.vii) defines a scale of 0-20 for lab grading. From tomorrow's lab (III) onward we shall use the 0-20 scale. For consistency, all lab I and II grades given so far will be doubled in our course records.
02/15/05: Old Physics 117 Exams and solutions are available for inspection and xeroxing at the STAR CENTER, in Student Union Room 0203 (Tel.301-314-8359). Currently Exams I, II, III and the Final Exams are available from F04, S04, S01, and F00 semesters, when Griffin taught the course. Note that the STAR Center closes early and on weekends.

02/14/05: A Practise/Trial Exam for Ch 1,2,3 was handed out today in lecture. If you missed it, pick one up on Wednesday. The exam is double-stapled to remind you NOT to open it until you are full prepared on these three chapters and ready immediately to devote a timed, uninterrupted 25minutes to doing the exam. Advance peeking, or interruption and return during the execution, might give you an false edge and make it seeem easier than it is. The answer sheet is included so that you can self-grade your effort.

02/07/05: Lab Manual Upgrade of ExpI, handed out in Lab I, has been posted today for your information. Click LabMnExpI to view.
02/07/05: HW#3Solutions and HW#4Solutions have been posted today. Click to view.
1/28/05: Note Error Correction in HW#2 Assignments: CQ3.18 replaces CQ3.17. Also, HW#2Solutions have been posted today.
1/28/05: HW#1Solutions have been posted today. HW#2Solutions will be posted soon.

1/21/05: 117 Labs meet on Thursday 1/27/05 for brief startup session.

01/18/05: This website is still under construction and may exhibit quirks which we hope to remedy as soon as possible.