Various Course Announcements, dated, are posted here, latest at the top (including postings of HW solutions and links to the solutions themselves). This is the best place on the website to check for recent course developments.

12/21/06B: Final Course letter grades were officially submitted to the UMEG system today at 17:15 PM. They should appear on your Testudo records soon.
12/21/06A: Yesterday's upload of your detailed 117 grade records to WebCT, described below,was, unfortunately, not RELEASED until a little while ago this morning. Your record should be visible on WebCT now. (If not, let me know.) My apologies for any inconvenience.

12/20/06C: All Individual student Course records have been posted on WebCT. Use your password to review your own record. The record includes your Course letter grade <LG>, your final rank in class <Rnk/63>, your overall Course Score <CsSc>, computed as described under GRADING POLICY: CS = 0.55*NTS +0.30*NLS +0.10*NHS +0.05*NPS. The Course Score is the quantity which when ordered from highest to lowest, determines the course letter grades.

Also given is your Normalized Final Exam Score <NFnl/146.4> {where 146.4 here, and similar numerical denominators in other normalized quantitity headings, indicates a hypothetical maximum possible normalized score which one would have achieved who answered all 120 final exam questions correctly}, your <No.Correct/120> on the Final Exam, yourRaw Final Exam Score <RawFinal/240> = 2x(No correct).These are the main results of courrent interest.

Also provided to help you to follow through the process of generating your <Course Score> is your Normalized Test Score <NTS> {computed from your Adjusted Test Score, <AdjTS>, which in turn is obtained by dropping your lowest (normalized) hour-share of test scores from your Total Test Score, <TotTS>, - all of which are listed on WebCT.
In addition, your Normalized Lab Score <NLS/76.7> {computed from your adjusted Lab Score, <AdjLab/100>, obtained by setting all Raw Lab scores equal to or greater than 80% of 220 =176, the Max possible, equal to 100, and scaling scores <176 proportionately}, and your <RawLab> Score(out of 220), are included.

Likewise, your Normalized HW score <NHS/78.2>, your adjusted HW score <AdjHW/100> (adjusted to 80% of the Max, 132, like the Lab scores mentioned above), your Raw HW score <RHW/132>, and your Normalized Participation Score, <NPS>, your Raw Participation Score, <RPS>,and your Adjusted Participation Score, <AdjPS> are included. The Participation Scores are handled as the Lab and HW scores were handled above, i.e. according to the "80% is Enough" principle. In addition, all of the records previously published on Exams I, II and III and the Early Warning Letter Grades (EWG) presented early in the semester remain availabe on WebCT.

Please call me at 301-405-6118 if you need help understanding your record, and leave your telephone number and a good time for me to call you back if I am not here when you call. And please email <> if you have any difficulty getting your
WrebCT results.


12/20/06B:The histogram distribution of the Course Scores, which define the Course letter grades, can be viewed by clicking F06CsScHisto.

12/20/06A: The histogram distribution of the Final Exam Raw scores can be viewed by clicking FnlExF06Histo.

12/19/06: The solutions for the Final Exam can be viewed at FinalExF06Slns. I hope by tomorrow or Thursday to have an extensive list of course data, including final course letter grades, posted to WebCT for you to access with your password; also, the statistics on the Final Exam. Check back here for the announcement. And have a good holiday.

12/15/06B:AssignedSeating for 117 Final Exam, including the exam color/version (Tan paper, version A (T:v.A); Pink paper, version B(P:v.B)) information which corresponds to each seat. Click FinalF06Seats to view.

12/15/06A: The last four Turning Point clicker queries (8 slides) have been posted as a single unit. Click InClassQ&A to
view them and all the in-class clicker queries and answers posted previously.

12/14/06: It appears that the detailed table of the final exam weighting which I posted here on Fri. 12/08 has disappeared. It has now been re-posted. Click FinalExWeights to view.
12/11/06: The Participation Scores (final: out of 25 as of 12/12/06) have been updated to include today's clicker queries. Check your score on WebCT.
12/11/06:Estimating letter grades from exam scores re-normalized to an average of 70 and a standard deviation of +-20: 50 % of the scores are expected to have values greater than 70, 25 %, greater than 83.6, and 16.7% greater than 90 =70+20=Avg.+S.D.. Therefore a student who consistently scores 70 can expect typically to be near the B-/C+ break point, and one who consistently scores 83.6 can expect to be near the A-/B+ break point. In short, renormalized score between 70 and 83.6 are in B country, and scores greater than 83.6 are in A territory.

12/07/06: About 28% ( = 2*6.5/46.5) of the Final Exam will cover the (doubly weighted) material discussed in the final 6.5 lectures (out of 40 in all) of the course and not covered by Exams I, II & III. The remaining 72% will cover the material up to and including Chaptr 13, the cut-off for Exam III. A detailed table of the Post-ExamIII weghtings will be posted here soon, perhaps tomorrow.

12/06/06: Individual Exam III scores have been uploaded to WebCT and (as of 15:17PM>16:48PM today) released for viewing. I'm sorry to have omitted the release when they were first uploaded yesterday. Note that for the Exam III headings, 120 is the maximum possible Raw Score, and 147.2 was the Normalized score which corresponds to the Raw Score of 120.

12/05/06B: Click 2ndLawVG to see a quick five viewgraph summary of Second Law, Carnot Engine, and Entropy.

12/05/06A: View the histogram distribution of Exam III Raw scores; Click EXIIIF06Histo.
Also click ExIIIF06v.ASlns or ExIIIF06v.BSlns to see solutions of last week's Exam III.
12/04/06D: The list of students MissingLabsVI-XI, MissedLabsVI-XI shown in class today has been posted here. Click to view.

12/04/06C: The OldFinalS06, its key, OldFinalS06KEY, and its solutions, OldFinalS06Slns were posted here today. (See announcement 12/1/06B, below for OldFinalF05.)

12/4/06B: The 117 Final Exam is on Mon. Dec 18, 1:30 PM till 3:30 PM, in our Physics 1410 hall. The Pre-Final Q/A review session is on Tue. 12/12/PM at 6:00 PM in our lecture hall, Physics 1410.

12/4/06A: The Old S05 Final exam with KEYand solutions has been re-upoloaded to replace the damaged and inaccessible files posted on Friday.

12/2/06: Despite the claim (below, 12/1/06) that the latest clicker tally had been uploaded yesterday, it was in fact
not uploaded to WebCT until today, Saturday, 12/2/06. (Sorry for the error, and thanks to the students who emailed
to point it out. JJG) Use your password on WebCT to check your score.

12/1/06B: The OldFinalF05, its answer key, OldFinalF05KEY, and its detailed solutions (in three parts), OldFinalF05Slns-pp2-9, OldFinalF05Slns-pp10-17, and OldFinalF05Slns-pp18-26, have been posted here today. Click to view. The OldFinal from S06 will be posted soon.
********** .

12/1/06A: The latest Clicker/Participation tally totals (of 23 as of 12/2/06) have been uploaded to WebCT. Use your password to check your total.

11/30/0 6B: View ExamIIISeating, including a heads-up on the color/version which corresponds with your seat.
11/30/06A: Check the list of students missing labs (VII through X) by clicking MissedLabsVII-XF06.
11/27/06C: In-class paticipation questions and answers are listed in InClassQ&A. Click there to view. More recent questions will be added soon.
11/27/06B: Participation totals though 11/25/06 have been posted today on WebCT. Use your password to check your score (out of a maximum of 21, so far).
11/27/06A: The Pre-ExamIII Q/A session on Thu 11/30/06 at 6:00 PM has been moved from Physics 1410 to Physics 1219 to accomodate some students' expressed preference for a smaller room for these sessions. Also, the participation scores as of Sat.11/25 will be posted soon.(See 11/27/06B entry above.)
11/20/06D: In response to an inquiry, we have verified that the ExamIII's of F05 and S06 do NOT have any questions from Chapter 14. The coverage of those exams also included only Ch 13, and not Ch 14.
11/20/06C: An error was discovered in last week's Participation posting (of scores as of 11/18/06) on WebCT: The scores for Fri. 11/10/06, which had already bee included in the tally as of 11/11/06, were added instead of the scores for 11/15. This error was corrected today (at about 5:15 PM). Please check your WebCT scores to see your corrected tally. Note that scores of today (11/20) have not been added yet. Those, and scores of Wed. (11/22), if any, will be added before the end of this week.
11/20/06(A&B): Exam III coverage & adjusted HW due dates:
A) Exam III will cover Ch 10, 11, 12 (up to p243 only) & 13. (Ch 14 and beyond will be doubly weighted in Final Exam.
B) HW #10 (Ch13) due date postponed till Mon. 11/27, & HW#11 (Ch14) postponed till Mon. 12/4, after Ex III. (Check later re HW#12.)
11/17/06: Current (as of Sat 11/18/06) participation scores (out of a max of 19) have been tallied and posted on WebCT. Also, the Ideal Gas Handout of 11/17/06 is available here: Click IdealGas to view.
11/15/06: The HW#10 due date is postponed till Wed 11/22, and the HW Assignments page has been updated. Also, participation scores for 11/13, 11/15, and 11/17/06 will be posted on Friday. We plan to make once weekly posting a regular pattern.
11/10/06B: The current Participation tally, Ptcptn/15(11/11), after today's and Wednesday's (11/08/06) additions, have been posted to WebCT. Use your password to see you current score there (of a maximum, 15, to date).
11/10/06A: HW#9 due date postponed till Wed. 11/15/06.

11/07/06B: Old Exams III from S06 and F05, Texts, KEYs and Solutions have been posted here: Click to view: OldExIIIS06, OldExIIIS06KEY, Old ExIIIS06Slns, OldExIIIF05-pp2-8, OldExIIIF05-pp9-15, OldExIIIF05KEY, OldExIIIF05Slns-pp2-8, OldExIIIF05Slns-pp9-15 . (Notethat on Wed 11/08 we have replaced the present MSWORD version of "OldExIIIS06" by a <.pdf> file which can be displayed by Adobe acrobat. It now has the same format as all of the other files posted here.)

11/07/06A: Click on ExIIF06Histo to see the Histogram distribution of the Exam II Raw scores.
11/06/06C: The text of ExII and a copy with solutions has been posted here today. Also the answerKEY to Exam II. Click ExIIF06, ExIIF06Slns, and ExIIF06KEY to view them. A histogram of the Exam II Raw Scores will be posted here tomorrow.
11/06/06B: Individual Exam II Raw Scores (out of a Maximum possible of 120) and Normalized Scores (out of a maximum possible of 128.7*) have been posted on WebCT today. Use your password to view them. (*128.7 is the Normalized Score corresponding to the Maximum Possible Raw score of 120, with the actual Average Score (67.8) and actual Standard Deviation (17.7).
11/06/06A: The updated Participation Score, out of a maximum possible of 13 (updated to 11/07/06 by including the query of 11/1/06) has been posted on WebCT today. Use your password to view them. (There were no clicker queries on 10/30, 11/03, or 11/06 (today).)
11/2/06C: Click to view in-class Turning Point queries and answers: TP11-01-06, TP10-25-06, TP10-23-06, TP10-20-06-2, TP10-20-06-1, TP10-18-06, TP10-13-06, TP10-11-06-2, TP10-11-06-1, TP10-09-06, TP10-06-06, TP09-27-06, TP09-22-06-2, TP09-22-06-1, TP09-20-06, TP09-18-06. (Labels are by approximate date of presentation.)
11/2/06B: Click ExamIISeats to see your seat for tomorrow's 117 Exam II.
11/2/06A: Change in Payman's Friday Office Hour: New Time is Fri 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM.
10/27/06C: HW#8 (on Ch 10) is due Wed. 11/1/06, but its collection will be postponed until Mon.11/6/06, after Exam II. Note that HW #9 is still due on Wed. 11/08, making two HW's due on two successive class days.
10/27/05B: Your cumulative in-class clicker counts (as of 10/28 and out of 12 maximum) have been posted on WebCT. Use your password to check yours.

10/27/05A: Exam II on next Friday 11/3/06 will cover Ch 5, 6, 7, 8(pp143-144only) & 9. Ch10 (Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity) will be covered in the next Exam III, not in Exam II.; The Pre-Exam II Q/A Session on Thu 11/2/06 will be in Physics Room 1219, because our lecture hall is engaged that evening.

10/20/06: Cumulative clicker scores (out of maximum = 9) have been updated to include clicks of 10/18 & 10/20. Check yours on WebCT.
10/18/06: Click to view an updated list of Students who our records show to have Missed labs I-VI.
10/16/07: A) HW #7 is due Wed. 10/25/06; B) Results of today's clicker query have been added to the Participation column on WebCT, <Ptcptn/6(10/17)>, and dated with tomorrow's date, 10/17. Use your password to check your (cumulative) total, -out of 6(so far). C) Note Q/A Review for Exam II on Thu11/2/06 is in Room 1219, NOT in1410!
10/11/06:Results of today's two clicker queries have been added to the Participation column <Ptcptn/5(10/12)>,and dated with tomorrow's date, 10/12, on WebCT. Use your password to check your (cumulative) total, -out of 5(so far).

10/09/06B: Results of today's two clicker queries have been added to the Participation column <Ptcptn/3(10/10)>,and dated with tomorrow's date, 10/10, on WebCT. Use your password to check your (cumulative) total, -out of 3 (so far).

10/09/06A: Click to view OldExamIIS06, OldExamIIS06KEY, and OldExamIIS06Solutions, posted here today.
10/06/06: A) Today's (10/6/06) clicker count has been scratched, since the polling seems to have been closed prematurely, preventing many sudents from registering their choices.
B) Click to view OldExamIIF05 and OldExamIIF05KEY, which have been posted here today.

10/5/06B: The first Participation points from Wed 10/4/06 have been tallied and posted to your WebCT record. Also posted today were your Raw Exam I score (labelled RExI/120, and equal to 2*(No.Correct) ), and your Normalized ExI score (labelled NExI/127.8, and computed as N = 70 + (R-70.1)*20/17.3). The maximum possible value of 127.8 for NExI is the value NExI would have for the maximum possible Raw Score, R = 120. Also, your clicker status as of 10/5 is listed in the column <Clicker10/5?>. If "NO" occurs in that column, that indicates that we have never received a valid click from your clicker, and you should re-register your clicker ID, being careful to insert only numerical zeroes, 0, and no capital letters, O.

10/5/06A: The Early Warning grade ranges have been added to the histogram of Exam I Raw scores, ExI-EWGHisto, These scores alone determine the early warning letter grade, since we assume that every student will meet the "80% is Enough" threshold for the top grade in HW, Lab and Participation.

9/28/06B: We expect to begin tallying Clicker responses for the Participation Record on this Monday, Oct 2.
9/28/06B: HW#4 due date is postponed from Monday 10/2 until Wednesday 10/4.
9/28/06A: Click ExI Seat Assignments to see the alphabetical list of assigned seats for Exam I tomorrow.

9/25/06B:The list of students who should re-register their clickers to correct the possible entry of the letter O instead of the number, zero =0 in the clicker ID (See below) has been posted. Click Re-RegisterList. Also the list of students who had, as of Friday 9/22, registered a clicker: click NoClickerList. Also your WebCT entries have been updated today to reflect those students whose clicks in class today registered for the first time. If your WebCT entry under <Clickers:9/25> is NO, then we have never counted a valid click from your device.

9/25/06A: Correction: We will NOT begin to tally clicker responses for the record on Monday 9/25, as stated earlier (below). Instead we will try to verify that students who mis-registered at first have succeeded in re-registering correctly.

9/23/06C: Exam I on Fri 9/29 will cover Ch 1, 2, 3, 4, and pp 143-144 (C.of Mass) and pp 298-300 (Simple Harmonic Oscillations).Exam is open book: bring texts, notes, and calculator. Bring no cellphones, blackberries, or other devices which can communicate with the outside world. Also have your student ID ready to prove your identity if questioned.

9/23/06B: On Monday 9/25, we will begin tallying for the record the in-class clicker responses. If you are registering your clicker for the first time, note that correct clicker ID sequences are composed ONLY of the numbers 0-9 and of the letters A-F, and NO OTHERS! If when registering it at,you type a capital O into the ID sequence for your clicker instead of the number zero, your clicker's classroom responses may not be recognized. In that case you should re-register the clicker. All students whose registered clickers appear not to be functioning have been sent a specific email about this issue. Also, every student should use his password to check the current status of his clicker in the WebCT column <Clickers:9/22>. (Note that due to a bookeeping error some clickers previously listed there as <ok9/15> have been downgraded to <NO>.)

9/23/06A: The ExI S06 file posted yesterday, OldExIS06Wd, was a Microsoft Word file. The same exam in Adobe .pdf format can now be viewed at OldExISo6Ad. Click to view.

9/22/06A(Fri.) Old 117 ExamI's, OldExIS06Wd & OldExIF05 have been posted here. Click to view. Also, answer keys to these two exams, OldExIS06KEY & OldExIF05KEY have been posted, and in addition more detailed solutions, OldExIS06SLNS for the S06 exam. ( No such solutions are available for the F05 exam.)
9/22/06B(Fri.) Our clicker process is coming together. After today's class, I will compile a list of students who have registered clickers, but who have never recorded a vote, in order to check that all of the registered clickers are working properly.

9/20/06: A) HW#3 due date postponed again from Fri 9/22 until Mon 9/25, and HW#4 until Monday 10/2.
B) A practise trial half-exam will bedistributed today, Wed 9/20, doubly stapled to encourage you to read the
cover sheet before opening the exam and spoiling your trial.
C) Our use of clickers is still shaking down. Since the query of Mon 9/18/06 produced no good response data,
today's (9/20/06) will be the first actual use of the query/click system.

9/15/06: HW#2 due date is postponed from Fri 9/15 til Mon 9/18. (My apologies for the late notice.) You may hand in any HW early, so that HW will be accepted on Friday, but is not late till Mon in class (or before midnight under door to Physics 2109 (Griffin's office)). Also HW#3 due date is postponed til Fri 9/22 (at least).

9/8/06B: The time of Payman's Friday office hour is being changed to 1:00->2:00 PM.

9/8/06A: We expect to begin using clickers seriously next week. Make sure you have a clicker, that it has been registered under your name at, and that you can change its channel # to channel 41, which is always the channel used in our 1410 lecture hall.

9/5/06: Paper copies of HW Solutions HW#1, HW#2 & HW#3 have been posted in the glass case outside our lecture hall, Physics 1410. As time goes on, we shall post additional HW solutions there for your convenience. HW solutions,
and HW problems' texts are also available on this website: click HOMEWORK.

9/1/06: Several faulty links on this website were fixed this morning (Friday). If you find other errors, please email.

8/31/06: HW#1 due date postponed from Wed 9/6 to Fri 9/8 to allow for Holiday on Monday.

8/28/06: The website is up and running. All Labs will meet (briefly) on Thu 8/31 and Fri 9/1. First HW is due in class on Wed 9/6/06, and is late if not under Physics 2109 office door by midnight Wed 9/6/06. See HW

 8/21/06: This web site is up and running at <>.

To get a feeling for the way the course runs week by week, review the complete sequence of last semester's announcements by clicking to the Physics117-S06 website:
