Fall 2002
- Teaching Assistants



Physics 111

Fall Semester 2002
Department of Physics, University of Maryland at College Park


Dr. Almaz Mustafin
Mr. Felix Adusei
Room 4221 Room 4221
Office Hours: Tu, Th 1-2 Office Hours: M, F 12:45-1:45
Phone: 301-405-7279 Phone: 301-405-7279
Email: Email:



The teaching assistants will be available regularly in their office at the times listed above. They will be happy to make appointments with students who may not be free at these times. Dr. Mustafin, a visiting senior research physicist, is grading the odd-numbered assignments. Mr. Adusei, an undergraduate senior in computer engineering, is grading the even-numbered assignments. You are encouraged to confer with them if there are questions about the grading, and for general help with the course.

Points will be given based on the complexity of the problem or question. Late assignments will be marked down 30% for each day late. This will not be the case for students with valid reasons for the lateness, such as illness. Late papers should be given to the professor who will decide whether or not the lateness is to be excused. The percentage of the maximum possible homework grade will be calculated at the end of the semester and weighted as 25% of the course grade

Copies of the answers for each assignment will be provided after your papers have been handed in.