Support the CMTC by contributing to the Richard E. Prange Endowed Chair in Physics.
The Richard E. Prange Endowed Fund is used at the discretion of the
Prange chair, Professor Das Sarma, CMTC director, and supports CMTC staff, seminars, visitors,
and other research expenses. To indicate that your donation is to be used for a particular purpose,
please note this when contributing. Any donation with a request for a specific use will be
honored as the director has considerable flexibility in the disbursement of the endowed funds
To make a gift in honor or memory of someone, after selecting “Give Now,” navigate to the
“Is this gift in memory, in honor, or on behalf of someone?” portion of the contribution form,
and select this option. To designate a specific use for the funds, please utilize this same portion of the form,
and use the available text boxes to leave a note.