
CMTC Talks


For the latest CMTC talks, see this page.

Fall 2019

September 11 11:00 AM CMTC Fall Symposium
September 17 11:00 AM Informal CMTC Seminar by Jason Kestner (UMBC)
Charge Noise Induced Decoherence in Spin Qubits
September 24 11:00 AM Connie Mousatov (Stanford)
Two theories of strange and bad metals
September 26 3:30 PM Informal CMTC Seminar by Yi-Ting Hsu (CMTC, Maryland)
Topological phases in the real world
October 15 11:00 AM Johnpierre Paglione (Maryland)
Exotic superconductivity in nearly ferromagnetic UTe2
November 1 11:00 AM Informal CMTC Seminar by Noah Fanqi Yuan (MIT)
Moire laboratory of rescaled solids: graphene and transition metal dichalcogenide systems
November 5 11:00 AM Cenke Xu (UCSB)
Generic "Unnecessary" Quantum Critical Points
December 3 11:00 AM Nandini Trivedi (Ohio State)
December 10 11:00 AM Max Metlitski (MIT)

Spring 2019

February 5 2:00 PM Tom Iadecola (Maryland)
Quantum Many-Body Physics Beyond Ground States
February 26 2:00 PM Joseph Weston (TU Delft)
Effective quantum transport simulations with Kwant
March 11 2:00 PM Congjun Wu (UCSD)
Symmetry and Correlation Aspects of Quantum Dynamics
March 13 11:00 AM Rajdeep Sensarma (TIFR, India)
Probing Many Body Localization
March 28 2:00 PM Richard Greene (UMD)
LOCATION: 1201 John S. Toll Physics Building
The Strange Metal State of the Electron-Doped Cuprates
April 16 2:00 PM Fiona Burnell (Minnesota)
Constraints, anyons, and finding (thermal) equilibrium
April 23 2:00 PM Michael Hermele (CU Boulder)
Abelian and non-Abelian excitations in fracton phases of matter
May 6 2:00 PM Taylor Hughes (UIUC)
Higher Order Topological Phases: Quadrupoles, Meta-materials, and Beyond
May 14 2:00 PM Victor Yakovenko (Maryland)
Economic inequality from a statistical physics point of view
May 20-22 11AM-4:15PM CMTC Spring Symposium
May 20 Schedule
May 21 Schedule
May 22 Schedule

Fall 2018

October 1 11:00 AM Juan Maldacena (Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), Princeton)
LOCATION: Atlantic 2400
Wormholes and entangled states
October 2 4:00 PM Juan Maldacena (Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), Princeton)
LOCATION: 1412 John S. Toll Physics Building
Black Holes and the Structure of Spacetime
October 9 11:00 AM Claudio Chamon (Boston University)
Braiding Light (and Majoranas too)
October 15 1:30 PM Andrey Antipov (Microsoft)
Engineering Majorana zero modes
October 23 11:00 AM Debanjan Choudhury (MIT)
Building a universal description of certain non-Fermi liquid metals
October 30 11:00 AM Thomas Vojta (Missouri University of Science and Technology)
Quantum phase transitions and disorder: Griffiths singularities, infinite randomness, and smearing
November 6 11:00 AM Dmitry Abanin (University of Geneva)
Quantum many-body scars: a new form of ergodicity breaking in a Rydberg-atom quantum simulator
November 14 11:00 AM Aharon Kapitulnik (Stanford)
Transport in Strongly Correlated Bad Metals
December 11 (Rescheduled) 11:00 AM Cory Dean (Columbia)
Pressure-induced superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene

Spring 2018

February 7 11:00 AM Mark Rudner (Niels Bohr Institute)
Quantized transport, topology and thermalization in anomalous Floquet insulators
February 16 11:15 AM John Nichol (Rochester)
Why do spin qubits dephase?
March 16 10:00AM-3:30PM CMTC Symposium
March 22 2:00 PM Sankar Das Sarma (University of Maryland)
Special CMTC Seminar/CNAM Colloquium
Linear-in-T resistivity, violation of Mott-Ioffe-Regel criterion, and disobedience of Wiedemann-Franz law: Is this enough to accuse a metal of being ‘strange’ or ‘bad’?
Location: Room 1201 Toll Physics Building
March 28 11:00 AM Liang Fu (MIT)
Topology of finite-lifetime quasipartices and non-Hermitian quantum mechanics
April 2 1:30 PM Itamar Kimchi (MIT)
Data collapse and scaling theory of frustration and disorder in quantum magnets
April 3 11:00 AM Qimiao Si (Rice)
Magnetism and topology in strongly correlated metals
April 19 4:00 PM Andrew Lucas (Stanford)
Special Joint CMTC/MCFP Colloquium
Fast scrambling on sparse graphs
Location: Physical Sciences Complex Room 3150
April 27 11:00 AM Michael Pretko (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Tensor Gauge Theories of Fractons
May 1 11:00 AM Jeffrey Teo (University of Virginia)
Coupled wire models of new quantum Hall states and fractional topological insulators
June 8 11:00 AM Tero Heikkilä (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)
Asymptotic flat band superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene and other systems
June 20 11 AM Christopher Mudry (Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland)
A model of chiral spin liquids with tunable chiral edge states

Fall 2017

September 19 11 AM Isaac Kim (IBM Research)
Global symmetries and protected quantum gates
September 26 11 AM Chong Wang (Harvard)
A Web of Dualities in Condensed Matter Physics: from Quantum Hall Effect to Exotic Quantum Criticality
October 10 11 AM Jason Petta (Princeton)
Coherent Coupling of a Single Spin to a Single Photon in Silicon
October 17 11 AM Oskar Vafek (Florida State University)
Hunds interaction, spin-orbit coupling and the mechanism of superconductivity in heavily hole-doped iron pnictides
November 14 11 AM Xuedong Hu (University at Buffalo)
Dynamics and Coherence of a Driven Spin Qubit
November 15-17 9 AM CMTC Fall Symposium
Wed, Nov 15 (9:00am-4:20pm) - Topological, MBL, and Entanglement
Thu, Nov 16 (9:00am-12:20pm) - Magnetism and Lattices
Fri, Nov 17 (9:00am-4:20pm) - Majorana and Spin Qubits
November 21 11 AM Shubhayu Chatterjee (Harvard) — Informal seminar
Intertwining topological order and discrete broken symmetries in the hole-doped cuprates via quantum fluctuating antiferromagnetism
November 28 11 AM Andrew Lucas (Stanford)
Signatures of electronic hydrodynamics in electrical and thermal transport
December 5 11 AM Mark A. Eriksson (Wisconsin)
Quantum control of spins in silicon
December 8 11 AM Shaffique Adam (Yale-NUS College)
The role of electron-electron interactions in disordered Dirac fermions

Spring 2017

February 10 Rescheduled for 3 PM Bertrand I. Halperin (Harvard)
Perspectives on the half-filled Landau level
February 21 11 AM Senthil Todadri (MIT)
Composite Fermi Liquids in the Lowest Landau Level
February 28 11 AM Yi-Zhuang You (Harvard)
Bosonic Symmetry Protected Topological States: Theory, Numerics, and Experimental Platform
March 8 11 AM-4:15 PM 2017 Spring CMTC Symposium
March 28 11 AM Congjun Wu (UCSD)
Novel orbital phases in optical lattices and solids – unconventional BECs and large gap topological states
April 4 11 AM Roger Melko (University of Waterloo)
Machine Learning the Many-Body Problem
April 18 11 AM QingLin He (UCLA)
Chiral Majorana fermion edge state in a quantum anomalous Hall insulator-superconductor structure
April 25 11 AM Aris Alexandradinata (Yale)
Orbital magnetization, geometric phase, and the modern theory of magnetic breakdown
May 2 11 AM Robert Konik (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Studies of the Loschmidt Echo and Entanglement Spreading in Two Dimensional Anisotropic Spin System
May 9 11 AM John Imbrie (UVA)
Many-Body Localization: Stability and Instability
June 2 11 AM Xin (Sunny) Wang (City University of Hong Kong)
On the advantage of barrier over tilt control of a singlet-triplet spin qubit
July 19 11 AM Christina Knapp (UCSB)
Scalable Designs for Majorana-Based Quantum Computing

Fall 2016

September 13 11 AM Meng Cheng (Yale)
Ising anyons in frustration-free Majorana-dimer models
September 19 11 AM Prange Prize Technical Talk by Frank Wilczek (MIT)
CMTC/JQI Joint Seminar held in 2400 CSS Bldg.
September 20 4 PM Prange Prize Public Lecture by Frank Wilczek (MIT)
CMTC/Physics Colloquium held in 1412 John S. Toll Physics Bldg.
Some Intersections of Art and Science
September 27 2 PM Steve Simon (Oxford)
Surprises from Small Quantum Hall Droplets
September 29 11 AM Matteo Rizzi (University of Mainz, Germany)
Strongly-correlated SU(N)-fermionic mixtures in one-dimensional harmonic traps
October 4 11 AM Samuel Lederer (MIT)
High Tc superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid behavior near a nematic quantum critical point: a Monte Carlo study
October 5 2 PM Parsa Bonderson (Microsoft Station Q Santa Barbara)
Fermionic Topological Phases and Modular Transformations (Part 1)
October 6 11 AM Parsa Bonderson (Microsoft Station Q Santa Barbara)
Fermionic Topological Phases and Modular Transformations (Part 2)
October 12 11 AM Shivaji Sondhi (Princeton)
The Statistical Mechanics of Driven Quantum Systems
November 2 11 AM Jeffrey Teo (University of Virginia)
Between topological strings and topological phases
December 7 11 AM-5:30 PM 2016 Fall CMTC Symposium Day 1
December 9 11 AM-3:00 PM 2016 Fall CMTC Symposium Day 2
December 13 11 AM Subir Sachdev (Harvard)
SYK models, strange metals, and black holes

Spring 2016

February 1 2:45 PM Junhyun Lee (Harvard)
Wess-Zumino-Witten Terms in Graphene Landau Levels
February 23 11 AM Ari Turner (Johns Hopkins)
Spin Fluctuations and Entanglement
March 3 11 AM Eugene Demler (Harvard)
Exploring universal properties of many-body systems in cold atoms and electron systems
March 7 2 PM Debanjan Chowdhury (Harvard)
Fractionalization and broken symmetries in the underdoped cuprates
March 8 11 AM Ian Spielman (NIST and UMD)
Geometric "charge" pumping with a Bose-Einstein condensate
March 11 1:15 PM Anton Akhmerov (Delft)
Physics of Majorana nanowires beyond 1D models
March 21 2 PM Panagiotis Kotetes (Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen)
Signatures of Majorana fermions in Shiba chains with or without spin-orbit interaction
March 22 10:30 AM
- 3:00 PM
Talks by Victor Galitski, Maissam Barkeshli, Yahya Alavirad, Amit Nag, and Efim Rozenbaum
March 29 11 AM Mohammad Hafezi (NIST and UMD)
Two-dimensional photonic systems with synthetic topology
April 5 11 AM Andrew Potter (Berkeley)
Topology of non-equilibrium dynamical quantum phases
April 19 11 AM Qimiao Si (Rice)
Frustrated Magnetism and Superconductivity in Iron Pnictides and Chalcogenides
April 21 11 AM Bertrand Halperin (Harvard)
Spin Superfluidity in the ν=0 Quantum Hall State of Graphene
April 28 11 AM Hui Zhai (IAS, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China)
Toward Majorana Fermions in Fermi Superfluid of Ultracold Alkali-Earth Atomic Gases
May 5 11 AM Ana Maria Rey (University of Colorado, Boulder)
New Perspectives on Quantum Simulation with Alkaline-Earth Atoms
May 10 11 AM Tarun Grover (KITP, UCSB)
Universal Aspects of Eigenstate Thermalization and Entanglement Dynamics
May 17 11 AM Greg Fiete (UT, Austin)
Searching for topological phases in transition metal oxide thin films and heterostructures
May 19 11 AM Vadim Oganesyan (CUNY, Staten Island)
Phenomenology of many-body localization
May 25 11 AM Sergey Frolov (U. of Pittsburgh)
Are these Majoranas?

Fall 2015

September 1 11 AM David A. Huse (Princeton)
Many-body localization
September 29 11 AM Srinivas Raghu (Stanford)
Composite fermions and the field-tuned superconductor-insulator transition
October 12-16 10 AM-1 PM Fall CMTC Symposium -- Dirac and Related Materials, Majorana and Topological Systems, MBL, Interactions, and Correlations, Exotic Quantum Phases, Bosons, Fermions, Cuprates, and Silicon
October 22 11 AM Arijeet Pal (Oxford)
Finite temperature mobility edge in many-body localized systems
October 29 11 AM Amir Yacoby (Harvard University)
Induced Superconductivity in Materials with Strong Spin-Orbit Interaction
October 30 11 AM Victor Vakaryuk (Physical Review B)
Physical Review B: An inside look
November 3 11 AM Arun Paramekanti (University of Toronto)
Band topology meets correlations - from oxides to cold atoms
November 4 11 AM Younghyun Kim (UCSB)
Topological superconductivity in a multichannel Yu-Shiba-Rusinov chain
November 5 11 AM Rahul Nandkishore (CU Boulder)
Many Body Localization Beyond Exact Eigenstates and Closed Systems
November 20 10 AM Kai Sun (University of Michigan)
Fractional topological states in lattice systems
December 1 11 AM Siddharth Parameswaran (UC, Irvine)
Quantum critical glasses and many-body delocalization
December 8 11 AM Johnpierre Paglione (University of Maryland)
Topological half-Heusler semimetals: a new family of non-centrosymmetric magnetic superconductors

Spring 2015

February 25 2 PM Predrag Nikolic (George Mason)
Kondo topological insulators
March 10 2 PM Vladimir Juricic (U. Utrecht)
Topological Crystalline Quantum Matter
March 11 11 AM Raquel Queiroz (Max Planck Institute, Stuttgart)
Strongly disordered topological superconductors without inversion center
March 17 11 AM David Abergel (Nordita)
Tunneling conductance in strongly correlated materials
April 14 11 AM John Quinn (U. of Tennessee, Knoxville)
Correlation Diagrams: an Intuitive Approach to Correlations in Quantum Hall Systems
April 15 11 AM Carlo Beenakker (Leiden University)
Quench dynamics of fermion-parity switches in a Josephson junction
April 21 11 AM Johannes Bauer (Harvard)
Phases and dynamics of correlated systems: Charge order in the cuprate superconductors and dynamic phase transitions
April 24 11 AM Leo Kouwenhoven (TU Delft)
Experimental progress on Majoranas in semiconductors
May 12 11 AM Abolhassan Vaezi (Cornell)
Universal Quantum Computation from Bilayer Quantum Hall States
May 15 3 PM Andrew Dzurak (Centre for Quantum Computation & Communication Technology, and School of Electrical Engineering, UNSW)
Spin-based Quantum Computing in Silicon
May 26 11 AM Itamar Kimchi (Berkeley/MIT)
Quantum spin liquids and magnetic models for the new three-dimensional honeycomb-like iridates
June 24 11 AM Noriko Akutsu (Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Electro-Communication University, Osaka, Japan)
Phase Diagram of Step Faceting on a Crystal Surface: Numerical Calculations on a Restricted Solid-on-Solid Model with Point-Contact Type Step-Step Attraction
July 21 11 AM Márton Kormos (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Correlations after quantum quenches in the XXZ spin chain: Failure of the Generalized Gibbs Ensemble

Fall 2014

September 9 11 AM Andrea Young (MIT)
Tuning and probing symmetry breaking in graphene quantum Hall ferromagnets
October 7 11 AM Joaquin E. Drut (UNC)
Towards the entanglement of strongly coupled fermions via lattice Monte Carlo
October 13 11 AM
Room CSS 2400
Klaus von Klitzing (Max Planck Institute)
Stripes and Bubbles in Quantum Hall Systems
October 14 11 AM Jainendra Jain (Penn State)
25 Years of Composite Fermions
October 21 11 AM Shinsei Ryu (Illinois)
Gravitational anomalies in topological insulators and superconductors
October 23 11 AM John Preskill (Caltech)
Fault-tolerant quantum gates for topological codes
October 28 11 AM Kun Yang (NHMFL & Florida State University)
Entanglement Scaling Laws and Eigenstate Thermalization in Many-Particle Systems
October 30 11 AM Brian Swingle (Stanford)
Renormalization Group Constructions of Topological Quantum Liquids
November 4 11 AM Titus Neupert (Princeton)
Interacting surface states of three-dimensional topological insulators
November 5 10 AM Steven Kivelson (Stanford)
Theory of Intertwined Orders in High Temperature Superconductors
November 5 11 AM -4 PM Fall CMTC Symposium -- Day 1
November 7 11 AM -4 PM Fall CMTC Symposium -- Day 2
November 11 11 AM Konstantin Matveev (Argonne National Lab)
Conductance of uniform quantum wires
November 12 11 AM -4 PM Fall CMTC Symposium -- Day 3
November 14 11 AM -4 PM Fall CMTC Symposium -- Day 4
November 19 11 AM -4 PM Fall CMTC Symposium -- Day 5
November 21 11 AM -4 PM Fall CMTC Symposium -- Day 6
December 9 11 AM Subir Sachdev (Harvard)
Order and criticality in the cuprate superconductors

Spring 2014

January 10 1:30 PM Sonika Johri (Princeton)
Singular Behavior of Electronic Eigenstates in the Anderson Model of Localization
January 28 11:00 AM Xin Liu (Penn State)
Theory of Proximity Induced Triplet Superconductivity in Spin-orbit-coupled Systems
February 4 11:00 AM R. Loganayagam (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ)
Thermal anomaly polynomial - curious structures in anomaly induced transport
February 18 11:00 AM Leonid Levitov (MIT)
Atomic collapse in graphene
February 25 11:00 AM Junhua Zhang (William and Mary)
Novel electronic states in graphene-based heterostructures
March 10 2:00 PM David Abergel (Nordita)
Excitonic Condensation in Double Layer Graphene: the Role of Disorder
March 11 11:00 AM Meng Cheng (Microsoft Station Q)
Unconventional Edge Phases of Abelian Quantum Hall States
March 12 11:00 AM Maissam Barkeshli (Microsoft Station Q)
Defects: A New Window Into Topological Order
April 2 2:00 PM Bela Bauer (Microsoft Station Q)
Area Laws and Topological Order in a Many-body Localized State
April 22 1:00 PM Amir Yacoby (Harvard)
Induced Superconductivity in the Quantum Spin Hall Edge
May 9 11:00 AM Vadim Oganesyan (CUNY)
Aspects of Many-Body Localization

Fall 2013

September 3 Matthias Punk (Harvard)
The nature of the quantum spin-liquid state in Herbertsmithite
September 6 Jason Alicea (CalTech)
Engineering a universal decoherence-free quantum computer
September 18 Alexandre Abanov (Stony Brook)
On the effective hydrodynamics of the fractional quantum Hall effect
September 23-24 David Gross (KITP, UCSB)
"Quantum Field Theory: Past, Present, Future" and "Frontiers of Fundamental Physics" (two talks)   Departmental Announcement
October 21 Anton Akhmerov (Technical University of Delft, Netherlands)
Numerics of quantum transport
October 29-30 CMTC Fall Symposium
November 6 Norman Yao (Harvard)
Many-body localization with dipoles
November 19 Chris Jarzynski (University of Maryland)
Generating shortcuts to adiabaticity in quantum and classical dynamics
December 3 Emil Yuzbashyan (Rutgers)
What's quantum integrability and who cares?
December 10 Matthew Fisher (UCSB)
Quantum Disentangled Liquids
December 11 Alexey Soluyanov (ETH Zurich)
Wannier function based approach to topological materials and beyond

Spring 2013

January 22   Gil Cho (UC Berkeley)
Superconductivity of doped Weyl semimetals: finite-momentum pairing and electronic analogues of the 3He-A phase
January 25   Luca D'Alessio (Boston University)
Repeatedly driven systems
January 28   Isaac Kim (CalTech)
Application of conditional independence to gapped quantum many-body systems
February 1   Brian Skinner (University of Minnesota)
Enormous capacitance enhancement driven by correlations in 2D electron systems
February 5   Philip Brydon (Dresden University of Technology)
Zero-energy flat bands in noncentrosymmetric superconductors
February 8   Onur Erten (Ohio State)
Double Perovskites: From Half-Metals to Multi-orbital Mott Insulators
February 19   Robert Throckmorton (Florida State)
Electronic Multicriticality in Bilayer Graphene
February 20   Ashvin Vishwanath (UC Berkeley)
Topological States in Correlated Systems: From Weyl Semimetals to Topological Phases of Interacting Bosons
March 26   Kaden Hazzard (University of Colorado at Boulder, JILA, and NIST)
Quantum magnetism in ongoing ultracold molecule and ion experiments
March 27   Mirco Milletari (Yale-NUS College, Singapore)
Shot Noise Signatures of Charge Fractionalization in the nu=2 Quantum Hall edge
April 5   Mikhail Pletyukhov (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Scattering of photons in 1D edge channel of a 2D topological photonic crystal
April 15   Michael Hermele (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Classifying fractionalization: symmetry classification of gapped Z2 spin liquids in two dimensions
April 19   T. Senthil (MIT)
Topological insulators of bosons in three dimensions
July 3 & 9   Zohar Nussinov (Washington University)
A mapping between finite temperature classical and zero temperature quantum systems in general dimensions and its consequences for various quantum liquids and glasses
Two exact mappings and their consequences: Universal spin duals to Majorana wire networks and an exact demonstration topological aspects and pairing in Fractional Quantum Hall systems at conventional filling fractions (two talks)

Fall 2012

October 10-12   CMTC Fall Symposium
October 15-16   Andre Geim (University of Manchester)
"Beyond Graphene: Electronic Properties of van Der Waals Heterostructures" and "Random Walk to Graphene" (two talks)
November 16   Attilio Stella (University of Padua, Italy)
Scaling Approach to Financial Modeling

Spring 2012

January 4   Fei Lin (Virginia Tech)
Quantum Monte Carlo Study of Bose-Hubbard Model in the New Era: Opportunities and Challenges
January 19   Ribhu Kaul (University of Kentucky)
Quantum phase transitions of square lattice SU(N) anti-ferromagnets
February 6   Sriram Ganeshan (Stony Brook University)
Quasiparticle scattering from vortices in d-wave superconductors: Superflow and Berry phase contributions
March 7   Maissam Barkeshli (Stanford University)
Topological Nematic States and Non-Abelian Lattice Dislocations
March 21   Roman Lutchyn (Microsoft Q)
The search for elusive Majorana particles in semiconductor-superconductor structures
April 13   John Quinn (University of Tennessee)
Excitons and PL in QH Systems
July 10   Jainendra K. Jain (Penn State University)
Composite Fermions

Fall 2011

September 6   Kostyantyn Kechedzhi (Rutgers)
Origin of 1/f magnetic noise in superconducting circuits
September 22   Vito Scarola (Virginia Tech)
Wavefunctions for Flat-Band Lattices
October 3-4   CMTC Fall Symposium
October 24   Chenjie Wang (Brown)
How to find non-Abelian anyons?
October 25-26   Daniel Tsui (Princeton University)
"More is Indeed Different: An Example from Electron Physics in Semiconductors" and "Closure on two long-standing 2D electron physics problems?" (two talks)
December 13   Zi Yang Meng (Universitaet Stuttgart, Germany and Louisiana State University)
Quantum Monte Carlo Studies of Correlated Electrons on Honeycomb Lattice and Interacting Topological Insulator

Spring 2011

January 31   John Biddle (University of Maryland)
Entanglement measures in quasi-2D quantum Hall states
February 10   Claudia De Grandi (Boston University)
Probing quantum systems through adiabatic dynamics
February 10   Lukasz Cywinski (Institute of Physics, Poland)
Decoherence of an electron spin coupled to a nuclear spin bath: dipolar and hyperfine dynamics
February 16   Alejandro Lobos (DPMC-MaNEP, University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Dissipative effects in a superconducting wire coupled to diffusive metals
February 18   Roger Mong (Berkeley)
Bound States in Surface Topological Defects
February 22   Pouyan Ghaemi (Berkeley)
Majorana modes at the ends of superconductor vortices in doped topological insulators
February 25   Xiong-Jun Liu (Texas A&M)
The anomalous Hall effect in the insulating regime
April 5   Parsa Bonderson (Microsoft Q)
Plasma Analogy and non-Abelian Braiding Statistics in Ising-type Quantum Hall States
April 18   Benjamin Fregoso (U of Chicago)
Quantum liquid crystal phases and unconventional quantum magnetism in dipolar Fermi systems
May 18   Zhengcheng Gu (KITP, UCSB)
Tensor-net work states: a new approach to strongly correlated systems
May 23   Mohammad Hafezi (JQI)
Quantum Hall physics with photons and its applications

Haitan Xu (JQI)
Developing a robust approach to implementing non-Abelian anyons and topological quantum computing in a modified Kitaev honeycomb lattice model
June 9   Krishnendu Sengupta (IACS, Kolkata)
STM spectra of Dirac materials

July 19   Matthew Sears (Texas A&M)
Interpreting Spin-Seebeck Effect Measurements

August 18   Austen Lamacraft (University of Virginia)
Boson pairing and unusual criticality in a generalized XY model

Fall 2010

September 20   Chuanwei Zhang (Washington State University)
Topological insulator and superconductor in spin-orbit coupled semiconductors
September 27   Bertrand I. Halperin (Harvard)
Interferometry in a Quantized Hall State
October 19-20   Walter Kohn (UCSB)
A World Powered Predominantly by Solar and Wind Energy and Nearsightedness and Linear Scaling of Electronic Matter - a Closer Look (two talks)
October 26   Ludwig Mathey (NIST)
Supercritical superfluid and vortex unbinding following a quantum quench
November 2-4   CMTC Fall Symposium
November 9   Ian Spielman (JQI)
A Bose-Einstein condensate subject to synthetic gauge fields
November 16   Adrian Del Maestro (Johns Hopkins)
Quantum Monte Carlo Studies of Luttinger Liquids
December 14   Rajibul Islam (University of Maryland)
Phase transition in long range quantum Ising model simulated with trapped ions
December 14   Greg Boyd (University of Florida)
Theory of Iron-Based Superconductors
December 15   CMTC Fall mini-Symposium

Spring 2010

January 19   Xiaoliang Qi (Microsoft Q and Stanford)
Topological superconductors
January 22   Andrew James (University of Virginia)
Non-Fermi liquid fixed point for an imbalanced gas of fermions in 1+ε
January 26   Jason Alicea (Caltech)
Promising new directions in the quest for Majorana fermions in condensed matter systems
January 29   Edwin Barnes (University of Virginia)
Introduction to AdS/CFT and its applications
February 23   Parsa Bonderson (Microsoft Q)
Topological Quantum Computation & Measurement
February 26   Predrag Nikolic (George Mason University)
Strongly correlated Cooper pair insulators and superfluids
March 8   David Marcos (CSIC, Madrid)
Noise Correlations and Coherent Coupling in Solid State Qubits
April 9   Jun Zhu (Penn State)
Scattering sources in graphene: the role of the substrate
June 15   Jens Bardarson (Berkeley)
Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in disordered topological insulator nanowires

Fall 2009

September 28 - October 2   CMTC Symposium
October 19-20   Phil Anderson (Princeton University)
Hidden Theories and Presenting Unpopular Theories (two talks)
October 30   Mohammad Hafezi (University of Maryland)
Photonic non-equilibrium quantum transport in a nonlinear optical fiber
November 6   Daw-Wei Wang (National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan)
Cold polar molecule: from one-, two-, to many-particle physics
November 20   Stephen Powell (University of Maryland)
Kasteleyn transition of spin ice in an applied magnetic field
December 18   Kihwan Kim (University of Maryland)
Quantum Frustration of Ising Spins with Trapped Ions

Spring 2009

April 3   Jay Sau (University of Maryland)
April 24   Mike Peterson (University of Maryland)
May 8   Tudor Stanescu (University of Maryland)
May 29   Dimi Culcer (University of Maryland)
Quantum computing with Si quantum dots -- Part I
June 5   Roman Lutchyn (University of Maryland)
June 12   Dimi Culcer (University of Maryland)
Quantum computing with Si quantum dots -- Part II
June 19   Enrico Rossi (University of Maryland
July 31   Marcos Rigol (Georgetown University)
Breakdown of thermalization in finite one-dimensional systems
August 3   Liang Fu (Harvard University)
Theory of Topological Insulators

Fall 2008

October 15   CMTC Symposium
November 3   Jay Deep Sau (U.C. Berkeley)
Theoretical Approaches to the Transport Properties of Nanostructures
November 4   Kai Sun (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking and Spontaneous Anomalous Hall Effect in Fermi Fluids
November 6   Michael Lilly (Sandia National Laboratories)
Si Spin Quantum Computation in MOSFETs
November 10   Alex Levchenko (University of Minnesota)
Coulomb Drag in Quantum Circuits
November 24   Chih-Chun Chien (University of Chicago)
Ultra-cold Fermions with Attractive Interactions in Optical Lattices and Implications for Correlated Systems

Fall 2007

September 27-28   CMTC Symposium

Fall 2006

November 8   CMTC Symposium

Spring 2006

February 20   Zaira Nazario (Stanford University)
Possible New Physics at Quantum Critical Points: Nontrivial Topology in 2D Antiferromagnets
February 23  

Chuanwei Zhang (University of Maryland)
Quantum Chaos in Bose-Einstein Condensates

Fall 2005

August 9   John Saunders (University of London)
Quantum Phase Transitions in Two-Dimensional 3He
September 23   Sankar Das Sarma (University of Maryland)
Quantum in the Real World and the Quantum Reality
September 29    Gregory A. Feite (KITP, UCSB)
Spin incoherent effects in momentum resolved tunneling and transport in Luttinger liquids
October 20  

Wayne Witzel (University of Maryland)
Quantum theory of decoherence in solid state spin quantum computers

November 10  

Igor Mazin (Naval Research Laboratory)
Comparative analysis of the pairing symmetries in Sr2RuO4 and NaxCoO2

November 14   Luis E. Hueso (University of Cambridge, UK)
Half-Metallic Manganites, Magnetic Domain Walls, and Carbon Nanotubes
December 1   Yaroslav Tserkovnyak (Harvard University)
Shaking ferromagnets with electric fields: instabilities, dissipation, and noise
December 8  

Victor Galitski (University of Virginia)
Vortex Dynamics and Fluctuations in Superconducting Films

Spring 2005

February 17    Wei Pan (Sandia National Laboratories)
What's new in quantum Hall effect?
February 24

Bob Joynt (University of Wisconsin)
Quantum Pattern Recognition

March 10 Daniel S. Fisher (Harvard University)
Dynamics of Jamming: Glasses, Granular Media, and Simple Models
April 21

G. George Batrouni (University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis)
Dynamic response of trapped ultracold bosons on optical lattices

May 5 Francisco Guinea (Institute of Materials Science- CSIC- Madrid, Spain)
Suppression of quantum effects by metallic environments
May 12 Krishnendu Sengupta (University of Toronto)
Superfluid-Insulator transition of two species ultracold bosons in an optical lattice


Fall 2004

October 26    Subi Sachdev (Yale University)
Quantum Vortices and Competing Order
November 18 Cristina Bena (UCLA)
Spin transport in one dimensional systems
November 29 C. Morais Smith (University of Ultrecht, the Netherlands)
Pattern formation in quantum Hall systems
December 2 Belita Koiller (Instituto de Fisica - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Brazil)
Silicon based spin and charge quantum computation


Spring 2004

February 5    Ying Zhang (UMCP)
Interaction-driven effective mass divergence in electron liquids
February 9 Jelena Stajic (University of Chicago)
From Ultracold superfluids to high temperature semiconductors
February 10 Xingxiang Zhou (University of Rochester)
Quantum computation by dispersive dynamics
March 3 Gonzalo Alvarez (Florida State University)
Relevance of Clustered States in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors and Other Materials
March 4 Speaker: Amir Yacoby (Weizmann Institute, on sabbatical at Harvard University)
Spin–Charge Separation and Localization in One Dimension Measured Using Momentum Resolved Tunneling
March 11 Alexander Balatsky (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Noise Spectroscopy of a single spin
March 15 Ashot Melikyan (Johns Hopkins University)
Nodal quasiparticles in vortex lattice
March 18 Luis Brey (Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (CSIC))
Theory of Ferromagnetism in Double Perosvkites
April 5 Simon Kos (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Spin transport in semiconductors
July 19 Alexander Khaetskii (LMV, Munich, Germany)
Spin Relaxation in Semiconductor Nanostructures


Fall 2003

October 9    Kwon Park (Condensed Matter Theory Center, University of Minnesota)
Pseudospin quantum computation in semiconductor nanostructures
November 6 Chetan Nayak (UCLA)
d-Density Wave Order in High T_c Cuprates
November 13 Mike Lilly (Sandia National Laboratories)
Exploring interactions and disorder using transport in low dimensional semiconductor systems
November 20 Andrey Chubukov (University of Wisconsin)
Singular corrections to a Fermi liquid: 1D physics in D>1
December 4 Jun Zhu (Cornell University)
Recent Experimental Determination of Quasiparticle Transport Parameters in a 2D Electron System
December 11 Sergey Kravchenko (Northeastern University)
Metal-insulator transition in 2D: history and new developments
December 12 Maxim Vavilov (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Theory of the Oscillatory Photoconductivity of 2D Electron Gas

Spring 2003

January 17    Alexander Dobin (University of Minnesota)
Intrinsic Non-linear Ferromagnetic Relaxation in Thin Films
January 20 Anatoli Polkovnikov (Yale University)
Dynamics of Interacting Bosons in an Optical Lattice
January 22 Gil Refael (Harvard University)
Superconductivity and Dissipation in Josephson Junctions, Grains, and Nanowires
January 24 Martin Veillette (UCSB)
Multicomponent Exciton Bose-Einstein Condensate in Bilayer Systems
April 3 Ramesh Mani (Harvard University)
Novel radiation induced zero-resistance states in the GaAs/AlGaAs 2-dimensional electron system
May 1 Steven M. Girvin (Yale University)
Prospects for Strong Cavity QED in Superconducting Electrical Circuits

Fall 2002

September 5

Eugene Demler (Harvard University)
Competing Orders in the Cuprate Superconditions


September 12

Chandra Varma (Lucent Technologies)
Detection and Implications of a Time-reversal-breaking State in the Cuprates

September 13

Kwon Park (University of Maryland)
Bond-Operator Theory of Cuprate Superconductors


September 13

Donald Priour (University of Maryland)
Core Strings and Flux Spreading: Surprises in Vortex Pinning


September 20

Vito Scarola (University of Maryland)
Pairing of Composite Fermoins


September 20

Chandan Dasgupta (University of Maryland)
Equilibruim Properties of Vortex Matter in the Presence of Pinning


September 27

Victor Galitski (University of Maryland)
Competition Between Disorder and Quantum Fluctuations in Superconducting Films


September 27

Ying Zhang (University of Maryland)
Spin and Charge Density Waves of Cuprate Superconduction in a Magnetic Field


October 8

Peter Zoller (University of Innsbruck)
Quantum Computing and Communications with Quantum Optics


October 11

Sankar Das Sarma (University of Maryland)
Theories of Ferromagnetic Semiconductors


October 17

James Williams (NIST - Gaithersburg)
Spin Waves in a Dillute Spin - 1/2 Bose Gas


October 18

Alexei Kaminski (University of Maryland)
Percolation Theory of Magnetism and Magneto-Transport in Ferromagnetic Semiconductors


October 25

Euyheon Hwang (University of Maryland)
Static and Dynamic Mean Field Theories of Magnetism, Transport, and Optical Properties in GaMnAs


November 14

Charles Marcus (Harvard University)
Taking Quantum Dots for a Spin


November 22

Magdalena Constantin (University of Maryland)
Persistence in Surface Fluctuations


Spring 2002

January 31 Oleg Tchernyshyov (Princeton University)
The world's most frustrated magnet

February 26 Kedar Damle (Harvard University)
The curious world of quantum spin chains: Quantum fluctuations, Interactions, and Disorder in `Lineland'

February 26 Shuheng Pan (University of Houston)
Microscopic Inhomogeneity of the d-Wave Superconducting State in BiSrCaCuO: A Low Temperature STM Study.

March 12 Michael Fogler (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
From micro-stripes to nano-tubes.

April 16 Gergely Zarand (Harvard University)
Frustration effects in magnetic semiconductors

April 30 Greg Boebinger (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
The abnormal state of the high Tc superconductors...or undressing electrons with a million gauss

May 2 John Quinn (University of Tennessee)
Composite Fermion Picture of Fractional Quantum Hall Systems: When it Works and Why

May 7 Hendrik Schon (Lucent Technologies)
Field-Effect Doping of Organic and Inorganic Materials

May 21 Bob Joynt (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
Quantum Computing Using SiGe Hardware