Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-4111

Physics 731 HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT #3 Due: Sept. 26, 2000

Read Ashcroft & Mermin (A&M), chaps. 19–20.

1. A&M 19–1 b, c, d (cf. Ibach & Lüth, 1–11 for an easier version of this problem).

2. A&M 19–2

3. A&M 20–1, parts a and b only.

4. A&M 20–4, parts a and b only.

5. Consider a line of 2N ions of alternating charge ± q with a repulsive potential energy A/Rn between nearest neighbors.

a) Show that at the equilibrium separation R0

b) Suppose one compresses the 1D crystal so that R0 ® R0 (1–d ). Show that—to leading order—the work [per length], U(R0-R0d ) - U(R0), can be written (1/2)Cd 2, where

6. Barium oxide has the NaCl structure. Estimate the cohesive energies per molecule of the hypothetical crystals Ba+O- and Ba++O- - (relative to separated neutral atoms). The observed nearest-neighbor distance is R0 = 2.76 Å; the first and second ionization potentials of Ba are 5.19 and 9.96 eV; the electron affinities of the first and second electrons added to the neutral oxygen atom are 1.5 and -9.0 eV. Which valence state (singly or doubly ionized) do you predict will occur? [Assume R0 is the same for both forms.]

7. a) A set of normalized and mutually orthogonal p-state wavefunctions for an atom can be written in the form: px = x f(r); py = y f(r); pz = z f(r).

Consider the linear combination of p wavefunctions y = axpx + aypy + azpz .

Find four sets of coefficients (ax, ay, az) that give normalized p-state wavefunctions with positive lobes pointing towards the corners of a regular tetrahedron (i.e. 4 alternating corners of a cube).

b) Consider the linear combination f = bs + cy , where y is any one of the four wavefunctions calculated above, and s is an s-state wavefunction, normalized and orthogonal to the p's. Find values of b and c which make the four resulting f wavefunctions orthogonal to each other and normalized, and write out the resulting four f wavefunctions (the sp3 hybrids) in terms of px + py + pz , and s. (Cf. Ibach & Lüth, 1–9.)

8. Estimate the Madelung constant a for a [square] checkerboard of + and - charges (2D analogue of NaCl) using the Evjen method. Specifically, find the contribution from each of the first 4 shells.