2.2 Cryogenics
Scheduling Liquid Helium Delivery
Liquid Helium is used to provide temperatures at or below 4 K.
Transfer of the Helium from the transportation dewar to the experiment dewar will be done
only under the supervision of the laboratory coordinator or the TA's. Helium is ordered on
Mondays or Wednesdays before 2 PM for delivery on Tuesdays or Thursdays, respectively.
2.2.1 Second Sound In Liquid Helium II
Second sound (heat transmitted in a wave-like manner rather than by
diffusion) is observed in liquid Helium II. The velocity is measured by one or more of
several techniques (direct, standing wave, etc.) as a function of temperature.
We have devised simple techniques to construct cavity resonators and
transducers for this experiment. Please find the description of these techniques in the
experiment files.
In order to facilitate the scheduling of liquid helium delivery, please
see above.
Second Sound References
- V. Peshkov, "`Second Sound' in Helium II,"J. Phys. (Moscow) 8,
381 (1944); "Determination of the Velocity of
Propagation of the Second Sound in Helium II," J. Phys. (Moscow) 10, 389 (1946). These are the original publications of the
observation of second sound.
- C.T. Lane, H.A. Fairbank, and W.M.
Fairbank, "Second Sound in Liquid Helium II," Phys. Rev. 71,
600 (1947). This is the first investigator to publish observations of second sound in the
- J. R. Pellam, "Investigations
of Pulsed Second Sound in Liquid Helium," Phys. Rev. 75, 1183 (1949). This is
the published work using heat pulse transmission in second sound.
- J. R. Merrill, "Second Sound
Experiment for Advanced Laboratories," Am. J. Phys. 36, 137 (1968).
- P. J. Bendt, "Attenuation of
Second Sound in Helium II Between Rotating Cylinders," Phys. Rev. 153, 280
(1967). See Table I. for values of second sound velocity with claimed precision of 1%.
- Grad. Lab Tech Note, "Second
Sound Experiment." Technical details for building a transmitter/receiver pair.
- A. J. Dessler and W. M. Fairbank,
"Amplitude Dependence of the Velocity of Second Sound," Phys. Rev., 104,
6 (1956). One possible extension of the experiment.
- H.A. Fairbank and C.T. Lane, "A
Simple Carbon-Resistance Thermometer for Low Temperatures," Rev. Sci. Instr. 18,
525 (1947).
- C. T. Lane, "Resource Letter
LH-1 on Liquid Helium," Am. J. Phys. 35, 367 (1967). Broad, background
bibliography on helium.
- L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz, Fluid Mechanics, 2nd Ed.,
(Pergamon Press, New York, 1987), Chapter XVI on Dynamics of Superfluids. See particularly
section §141 on the derivation of the "sound" velocities.
- Helium vapor pressure tables from F.E.
Hoare, L.C. Jackson, and N. Kurti, Experimental Cryophysics, (Butterworths,
London, 1961).
- Variatives Specific Heat at low
- Saturated Vapour Pressure
- Thermal Cycle Testing-Carbon Glass
2.2.2 Superconductivity
A liquid helium cryostat and header appropriate for this experiment are
available. The general procedure consists of assembling your own sample, checking its
condition at various stages of cooling, observing the superconducting transition at zero
magnetic fields, and measuring the dependence of the critical field for destruction of
superconductivity as a function of temperature. With reasonable care it is possible to
take sufficiently precise data to require corrections to the simple quadratic formula for
the critical field. Hysteresis in the critical field and a pronounced roundness in the R
vs H and R vs T curves are generally observed "non-ideal" effects
which challenge students' understanding.
Samples of tin or indium wire are available. A number of more
interesting experiments are possible. The experiment could be modified to use lock-in
techniques to improve the signal-to-noise ratio.
In order to facilitate the scheduling of liquid helium delivery, please
see above.
Superconductivity References
- H. Kammerlingh-Onnes, Leiden Comm.
120b, 122b, 124c (1911).
- G. L. Trigg, Landmark Experiments in Twentieth Century Physics, (Dover
Publications, Inc., New York, 1975). See Chap. 12 on Superconductivity for a good
historical introduction with quotes and figures from the original references. In Grad Lab
- C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, 3rd Ed. New York:
J. Wiley (1966), Chapter 11 "Superconductivity". QC171.K5.
- E. Maxwell, "Superconductivity
of the Isotopes of Tin", Phys. Rev. 86, 235 (1952).
- J. D. Livinston and H. W. Schadler, "Effect of Metallurgical
Variables on Superconducting Properties", Progress in Materials Science 12,
185 (1965). Pages 185-205 are an excellent introduction to the physical parameters of
importance in Type I and II superconductors. A minimum of mathematics is used, but imp
ortant results of the BCS and Ginsberg-Landau theories are presented.
- D. M. Ginsberg, "Resource
Letter Scy-1 on Superconductivity," Am. J. Phys. 32, 85 (1964). See especially
resources 18, 19, 20.
- D.M. Ginsberg, "Resource
Letter Scy-2 on Superconductivity," Am. J. Phys. 38, 949 (1970).
- E. A. Lynton, Superconductivity, 3rd Ed., London: Methuen/Barnes
and Noble (1969). A relatively painless survey of the theory of superconductivity at an
introductory level. Grad Lab copy, #36 is gone. QC612.S8L9.
- M. Tinkham, Introduction to Superconductivity, New York: McGraw
Hill (1996). New edition.
- D. L. Decker, D. E. Mapother, and
R. W. Shaw, "Critical Field Measurements on Superconducting Lead Isotopes,"
Phys. Rev. 112, 1888, (1958). Shows measured hysteresis effects and mention effect
of annealing the sample.
- D. K. Finnemore, D. E. Mapother,
and R. W. Shaw, "Critical Field Curve of Superconducting Mercury," Phys. Rev.118,
127 (1960).
- L. N. Cooper, "Theory of
Superconductivity," Am. J. Phys. 28, 91 (1960). A simple presentation of the
ideas in BCS theory.
- Rev. Mod. Phys. 36 1-328 (1964). Review article. *
- J. C. Swihart, D. J. Scalapino,
and Y. Wada, Phys. Rev. Lett. 14, 106 (1965). Interesting deviations from quadratic
fit of critical field with temperature.
Technical and Low-Temperature Technique References
- L. A. Hall, "Survey of
Electrical Resistivity Measurements on 16 Pure Metals in the Temperature Range 0 to 273
K°", National Bureau of Standards Technical Note 365 (1968). Contains NBS Memorandum
M-24 on tin and M-26 - M-33 on other metals provid ing data on resistivity as a function
of temperature.
- G. T. Meaden, Electrical Resistance of Metals, New York: Plenum
Press (1965). QC611.M5.
- J. R. Merrill, "An Inexpensive, Easily Wound, Superconducting
Magnet for Dip Experiments", Rev. Sci. Instrum. 41, 24 (1970). Q184.R5.
- G. K. White, Experimental Techniques in Low-Temperature Physics,
Oxford: Clarendon (1959). Grad Lab library #76. QC278.W45.
- A. C. Rose-Innes, Low Temperature Techniques, New York: Van
Nostrand (1964). Grad Lab library #134. TP482.R6.
- C. T. Lane, "Resource Letter LH-1 on Liquid Helium," Am. J.
Phys. 35, 367 (1967). Broad, background bibliography on helium.
- C.T. Lane and H.A. Fairbank,
"Pyrex Dewars for Liquid Helium," Rev. Sci Instr. 18, 522 (1947)
- F. G. Brickwedde, T. R. Roberts, and R. H. Sherman, J. Res. Natl. Bur.
Stand. A65, 1 (1960). Gives the "1968 NBS Temperature Scale" including the
cryogenic region. Provides tables of vapor pressure of liquid helium versus temperature.
These tables are also found in the A.I.P. Handbook, pp. 4-278 to 4-282.
- T. P. Orlando, et al., Phys. Rev. B 19, 4545 (1979). *
- B. W. Roberts, J. Chem Phys. Ref. Data 5, 823 (1976). *
- Hall Generator
Installation Instructions
- Hall Generator
Model HGCA-3020 Notes
- Properties of Helium
- Data Chart
- Vapor Pressure of
Liquid Helium-4 Graph
- Low Temperature
* Missing from archive 6/00
This page was maintained by the Laboratory Staff.
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