Jacob A. Tosado (CV)

Email jtosado@umd.edu
Born May 13, 1981

A.A. Physics (2003), Miami-Dade College, Miami, FL
B.S. Physics (2007), University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

Current Status Faculty Research Assistant
Advisor E.D Williams (Physics)
Professional Interests Surface Science, Organic Electronics, Piezoelectrics, Ferromagnetic oxides, Scanning Probe Microscopy, Low Temperatures, High Magnetic Fields
Current Projects

I am currently focused on the electronic transport of thin film organic compounds and oxides and am generally specializing in the research and design of scanning probe microscopes.
I most recently investigated the transport properties of hole doped manganese oxide. This investigation led me to develop of a phase diagram of the material as a function of temperature and magnetic field. This shed further light onto the material as it exists in its fluid phase separated state. In this state, when the material is phase separated into fluid-like charge ordered insulating and ferromagnetic metallic phases, I was able to show that the material exhibits colossal piezo resistive effects. I believe that such investigations are essential in the development and improvement of computer, solar cell and fuel cell technology.


Colossal piezoresistance in phase separated manganites
Jacob Tosado, Tara Dhakal and Amlan Biswas
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21 192203 (2009) doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/21/19/192203

Effect of Strain and electric field on the electronic soft matter in manganite thin films
Tara Dhakal, Jacob Tosado, Amlan Biswas
Phys. Rev. B 75, 092404 (2007) doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.75.092404

