Producing programs that give clear and easy-to-understand solutions to physics problems has been a time-consuming and error-prone affair. Computer use and software development in education have tended to be restricted to ``the experts" --- to faculty willing to devote a large fraction of their time and effort to software development, and to advanced students working on research problems.
The philosophy of the Maryland University Project in Physics and Educational Technology (M.U.P.P.E.T.) is to open up this process --- to break the dominance of software designers over the students' use of the computer. We want both teachers and students to see the computer as a powerful and flexible tool for solving problems. We want them to feel that they themselves are in control: not the computer, not the software designer.
In this book, we provide a set of simple procedures --- the M.U.P.P.E.T. Utilities --- which are designed to make it easier for you to solve physics problems with the computer. They handle the technical aspects of programming, which take so long to do and are so frustrating to get working properly. We also provide sample and demonstration programs with simple, minimal documentation that can allow even computer non-users to produce their own competent and useful programs.
In addition to the Utilities, this manual includes source codes for sample programs to solve a wide variety of physics problems. Since these programs have a fully structured and well-commented form, both teachers and students can easily extend and vary them. This opens many possibilities for creative science, even in introductory classes. These programs serve as examples to illustrate good programming techniques and can be used as templates for you to develop your own programs. The sample programs can also be used in their own right. Running them and observing how they behave can
U. of Md. Computers in Physics Education HomePage
Physics Academic Software HomePage
The M.U.P.P.E.T. Utilities is available from Physics Academic Software (phone 1-800-955-TASL for information or orders).
Edward F. Redish
Jack M. Wilson
Ian D. Johnston
This page prepared 23. March 1995 by
Edward F. Redish