Papers |
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"Resource Letter PER-1:
Physics Education Research," Lillian C. McDermott and Edward F.
Redish , submitted to The American Journal of Physics,
(1999). |
"Millikan Award Lecture
(1998): Building a Science of Teaching Physics," Edward F. Redish , Am. J. Phys. 67 (7) 562-573 (1999). |
"Teaching Physics: Figuring
Out What Works,"
Edward F. Redish and Richard N. Steinberg,
Physics Today , Vol. 52 (January 1999), pp. 24-30. |
Letter to the editor, AJP, Beth Hufnagel and Apriel Hodari |
"Teacher inquiry," Hammer, D. To appear in Teaching and Learning in an Inquiry-Based Science
Classrooom, J. Minstrell, & E. van Zee (Eds.), (Also
to appear in the Paper Series of the Center for the Development
of Teaching at EDC, in Newton, MA.) Pre-publication draft available. |
"Physics for first-graders?" Hammer, D. To appear in Science Education ("Comments
and Criticism"). Preprint available. |
"Discovery learning
and discovery teaching," Hammer,
D., Cognition and Instruction, 15 (4), 485-529.
(1997) |
"The Role of Representations
in Learning an Interdisciplinary Mathematics and Physics University
Course,"Gilli Shama and John Layman,
presented at the Research Conference in Collegiate Mathematics
Education, Central Michigan University (September, 1997). |
"Student expectations
in introductory physics," E.F. Redish,
J.M. Saul, and R.N. Steinberg, Am. J. Phys. 66,
212-224 (1998). |
"Performance on multiple-choice
diagnostics and complementary exam problems," R.N. Steinberg and Mel S. Sabella, Phys. Teach.
35, 150-155 (1997). |
"On the effectiveness
of active-engagement microcomputer-based laboratories," E. F. Redish, J. M. Saul, and R. N. Steinberg, Am.
J. Phys. 65, 45-54 (1997). |
"Mathematical tutorials
in introductory physics," R.N. Steinberg,
M.C. Wittmann, and E.F. Redish, sample class, presented at The
International Conference on Undergraduate Physics Education
(ICUPE), College Park, Maryland July 31-August 3, 1996. |
"More than misconceptions:
Multiple perspectives on student knowledge and reasoning, and
an appropriate role for education research," Hammer, D. American Journal of Physics,
64 (10), 1316-1325 (1996). |
"Misconceptions or p-prims:
How may alternative perspectives of cognitive structure influence
instructional perceptions and intentions?"
Hammer, D. Journal of the Learning Sciences,
5 (2), 97-127 (1996). |
"Student teachers on
LabNet: Linking preservice teachers with a professional community," Hammer, D. and DiMauro, V. Electronic Journal
of Science Education, 1 (2) (1996). |
"The distribution and
change of student expectations in introductory physics," E.F. Redish, R.N. Steinberg, and J.M. Saul, invited
poster, presented at The International Conference on Undergraduate
Physics Education (ICUPE), College Park, Maryland July 31-August
3, 1996. |
"New models of physics
instruction based on physics education research," in Proceedings of the Deustchen Physikalischen
Gesellschaft Jena Conference (1996) |
"Student difficulties
in understanding mechanical waves: An overview of research results," M.C. Wittmann, University of Maryland dissertation
literature overview (1996). |
"Epistemological considerations
in teaching introductory physics,"
Hammer, D. Science Education 79 (4), 393-413 (1995).(Also
in the Paper Series of the Center for the Development of Teaching
at EDC, in Newton, MA.) |
"Student inquiry in
a physics class discussion,"
Hammer, D. Cognition and Instruction, 13 (3), 401-430
(1995). |
"Implications of cognitive
studies for teaching physics," E.
F. Redish, Am. J. Phys. 62, 796-803 (1994). |
"Students' beliefs about
conceptual knowledge in introductory physics," Hammer, D. International Journal of
Science Education, 16 (4), 385-403 (1994). |
"Epistemological beliefs
in introductory physics," Hammer,
D. Cognition and Instruction, 12 (2), 151-183 (1994). |
"Are Computers Appropriate
for Teaching Physics," E. F. Redish,
Comp. Phys. 7, 613 (Nov/Dec 1993). |
"Dynaturtle revisited:
Learning physics through collaborative design of a computer model," Sherin, B., diSessa, A., and Hammer, D. Interactive
Learning Environments, 3 (2), p. 91-118 (1993). |
"Learning physics in
a computer microworld: In what sense a world?" Metz, K., and Hammer, D., Interactive Learning
Environments,.3 (1), 55-76 (1993). |
"What can a physics
teacher do with a computer?" E. F.
Redish, Invited talk presented at Robert Resnick Symposium RPI,
Troy NY, May, 1993. |
"Student programming
in the introductory physics course: M.U.P.P.E.T," E. F. Redish, and J. M. Wilson, Am. J. Phys.
61, 222-232 (1993). |
"The microcomputer and
practical work in science laboratories,"
J.W. Layman and J.S. Krajcik, in Innovations in Science and
Technology Education, IV, p. 171, ed. David Layton, UNESCO
(1992). |
"The CUPLE project:
A hyper- and multi-media approach to restructuring physics education," E. F. Redish, J. M. Wilson, and C. K. McDaniel, in
Sociomedia, p. 219, ed. E. Barrett, Cambridge: MIT Press
(1992). |
"Inventing graphing:
Meta-representational expertise in children," diSessa, A., Hammer, D., Sherin, B., and Kolpakowski,
T. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 10,
p. 117-160 (1991). |
"Using computers in
teaching physics," J. M. Wilson,
and E. F. Redish, Physics Today 42, 34 (January
1989). |
"Two approaches to learning
physics," Hammer, D.
The Physics Teacher, 27, p. 664-671 (1989). |
"The M.U.P.P.E.T. manifesto," W. M. MacDonald, E. F. Redish, and J. M. Wilson,
Comp. Phys. 2, 23 (July/August 1988). |
Talks |
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"Effects of Ethnicity
and Gender on Physics Learning,"
Apriel K. Hodari, AAPT meeting, San Antonio, Texas, August 1999. |
"A Diagnostic Test to
Investigate Student Use of Multiple Models of Mechanical Waves," M.C. Wittmann, R. N. Steinberg, E.F. Redish, AAPT
meeting, Lincoln, Nebraska, August 1998. |
"Failing to connect:
Fragmented knowledge in student understanding of physics," M.S. Sabella, R.N. Steinberg, and E.F. Redish, AAPT
meeting, Lincoln, Nebraska, August 1998. |
"Investigating and Addressing
Student Difficulties with Physics: An Example from Mechanical
Waves," M.C. Wittmann, TYC Conference
Workshop, Joliet Junior Colledge, June 1998. |
"Making Sense of How
Students Come to an Understanding of Physics: An Example from
Mechanical Waves," M.C. Wittmann,
Dissertation Defense, November 1998. |
"Student Difficulties
with Math in the Context of Physics," Edward F. Redish, Physics Education
Research Seminar, Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH, October, 1997 |
"Student Difficulties
With Wave Concepts," Michael C. Wittmann,
Practical Quantum Physics Seminar, UMD, September,
1997. |
"Introduction to the
Practical Quantum Mechanics Project,"
E.F. Redish, Practical Quantum Physics Seminar, UMD, September,
1997. |
"Identifying and addressing
student difficulties with the physics of sound," M.C. Wittmann,
M.S. Sabella, R.N. Steinberg, and E. F. Redish, AAPT meeting,
Denver, August, 1997. |
"Student performance
on traditional exam questions in two instructional settings," M.S. Sabella, R.N. Steinberg, and Edward F. Redish,
AAPT meeting, Denver, August, 1997. |
"Student difficulties
with vectors in kinematic problems,"
E.F. Redish and G. Shama, AAPT meeting, Denver, August, 1997. |
"Student expectations,
Workshop Physics, and the MPEX survey,"
J.M. Saul, R.N. Steinberg, and E.F. Redish, AAPT meeting, Denver,
August, 1997. |
"New Models of Learning
and Teaching," Edward F. Redish,
Conference of Physics Department Chairs, Undergraduate Education
in Physics: Responding to Changing Expectations, College Park,
MD, May 9-11, 1997 |
"Student misconceptions
on classical issues at the boundary of quantum mechanics," E.F. Redish, invited talk, APS/AAPT meeting, Washington,
DC, April, 1997. |
"Identifying and addressing
student difficulties with mathematics when learning physics," R.N. Steinberg, invited talk, APS/AAPT meeting, Washington,
DC, April, 1997. |
"Probing student understanding
of introductory physics: Techniques and implications," R.N. Steinberg, invited talk, given at Ohio State
University, February, 1997. |
"Measuring student expectations
in university physics: The MPEX survey,"
E. F. Redish, invited Talk, AAPT meeting, Phoenix, January, 1997. |
"Student difficulties
with energy in quantum mechanics,"
E. F. Redish, Lei Bao, and Pratibha Jolly, AAPT meeting, Phoenix,
January, 1997. |
"TA training as an evolving
process," Jeffery M. Saul,
invited Talk, AAPT meeting, Phoenix, January, 1997 |
"Student performance
on multiple-choice diagnostics vs. open-ended exam questions," R.N. Steinberg and M.S. Sabella, AAPT meeting, Phoenix,
January, 1997. |
"Student difficulties
with math in physics: Giving meaning to symbols," E. F. Redish, R.N. Steinberg, and J.M. Saul, AAPT
meeting, College Park, August, 1996. |
"Student difficulties
with math in physics: Why canít students apply what they
learn in math class?" J.M. Saul,
M.C. Wittmann, R.N. Steinberg, and E.F. Redish, AAPT meeting,
College Park, August, 1996. |
"Identifying student
difficulties with the propagation of mechanical waves," M.C. Wittmann, E.F. Redish, and R.N. Steinberg, AAPT
meeting, College Park, August, 1996. |
"Student difficulties
with quantum mechanics," Lei Bao,
Pratibha Jolly, and E.F. Redish, AAPT meeting, College Park,
August, 1996. |
"The bouncing ball:
An MBL demonstration of the period doubling approach to chaos," Lei Bao, AAPT meeting, College Park, August, 1996. |
"A comparison of student
expectations in introductory calculus-based physics," J.M. Saul, R.N. Steinberg, and E.F. Redish, AAPT meeting,
College Park, August 1996. |
"Student difficulties
understanding the role of mathematics in introductory physics," R.N. Steinberg, J.M. Saul, M.C. Wittmann, and E.F.
Redish, APS/AAPT meeting, Indianapolis, May 1996. |
"Student difficulties
with superposition of mechanical waves,"
M.C. Wittmann, E.F. Redish, R.N. Steinberg, AAPT Regional Meeting,
March, 1996. |