PROGRAM Projectile1D; { proj1d.pas } {***********************************************} {* *} {* Program to calculate motion of *} {* a particle in 1D with gravity *} {* and air resistance using RK2. *} {* *} {***********************************************} USES Crt,Dos,Graph,Printer,MUPPET; CONST numData : Integer = 200; {Number of points to plot} g : Real = 9.8; {m/sec/sec} VAR t,x : DataVector; { time, position } v,a : DataVector; { velocity, accel } x0,v0 : Real; { initial conds. } m : Real; { mass } b : Real; { air resis. coeff. } dt : Real; { time step } i : Integer; { loop variable } IC : Screen; { data screen } act : Char; { control character } { The types 'DataVector" and "Screen" are defined } { inside the unit MUPPET. } {*------------ Physics Procedures -------------*} FUNCTION Force(x,v,t:Real) : Real; BEGIN Force := -m*g - b*v*abs(v) END; {*---------- Mathematics Procedures -----------*} { Second order Runge-Kutta routine for stepping } { from variables at time t (In variables) to } { variables at time t+dt (Out variables). } PROCEDURE StepRK2(xIn, vIn, tIn, aIn,tStep:Real; VAR xOut,vOut,tOut,aOut:Real); VAR xHalf,vHalf : Real; tHalf,aHalf : Real; BEGIN tHalf := tIn + 0.5*tStep; xHalf := xIn + 0.5*vIn*tStep; vHalf := vIn + 0.5*aIn*tStep; aHalf := Force(xHalf,vHalf,tHalf)/m; tOut := tIn + tStep; xOut := xIn + vHalf*tStep; vOut := vIn + aHalf*tStep; aOut := Force(xOut,vOut,tOut)/m; END; {*--------- Data Screen Procedures ------------*} PROCEDURE MakeDataScreen; BEGIN DefineInputport(0,0.45,0,0.9); _A[01]:='"M.U.P.P.E.T." '; _A[02]:='"University of Maryland" '; _A[03]:=' '; _A[04]:='"PROJECTILE PROGRAM: 1D" '; _A[05]:='"F = -mg - bv*abs(v)" '; _A[06]:=' '; _A[07]:='"PARAMETERS" '; _A[08]:=' "Mass m = " 0.14++ "kg" '; _A[09]:=' '; _A[10]:=' "Air Resistance" '; _A[11]:=' "Coefficient, b = " 0+++++ "kg/m"'; _A[12]:=' '; _A[13]:=' "Time step, dt = " 0.050+ "sec" '; _A[14]:=' '; _A[15]:='"INITIAL CONDITIONS" '; _A[16]:=' "Position: x0 = " 0++++ "m" '; _A[17]:=' "Velocity: v0 = " 30+++ "m/sec"'; LoadScreen(IC,17); END; PROCEDURE GetScreenData(VAR m,b,x0,v0,dt:Real); BEGIN ClearMUPPETport; Message('Pressto plot, to quit'); Accept(IC); {displays screen} m := Valu(IC,1); {puts 1st entry on IC into m} b := Valu(IC,2); {puts 2nd entry on IC into b} dt := Valu(IC,3); x0 := Valu(IC,4); {etc...} v0 := Valu(IC,5); END; {*----------- Graphics Procedures -------------*} PROCEDURE GraphSetUp; BEGIN GraphBackColor:=DarkGray; DefineViewport(1, 0.55,1, 0.5,0.9); {Define ViewPort 1} DefineViewport(2, 0.55,1, 0.05,0.45); {ViewPort 2} DefineScale(1, 0, 10, -75.0, 75); {Define Scale 1} DefineScale(2, 0, 10, -75.0, 75); {Define Scale 2} END; PROCEDURE PlotIt(viewPort,color:Integer; x,y:DataVector; nameLabel:BigStr); BEGIN Setcolor(color); SelectScale(viewPort); OpenViewport(viewPort); Axis(0,0,1,20); PlotData(x,y,numData); PutLabel(Inside,nameLabel); END; {*--------------- Main Program ----------------*} BEGIN MUPPETinit; MakeDataScreen; GraphSetUp; REPEAT GetScreenData(m,b,x0,v0,dt); IF EscapedFrom(IC) THEN BEGIN MUPPETdone; EXIT END; t[1] := 0; {initializes first step} x[1] := x0; v[1] := v0; a[1] := -g - b*v0*abs(v0)/m; FOR i := 2 to numData DO {solve the equation} StepRK2(x[i-1],v[i-1],t[i-1],a[i-1],dt, x[i], v[i], t[i], a[i]); Message('Press for new data, to quit'); PlotIt(1, lightGreen, t, x, 'X vs T'); PlotIt(2, lightRed, t, v, 'V vs T'); act := ReadKey; UNTIL ord(act) = 27; MUPPETdone; END.
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