Using Template Toolkit for Web Pages

PCS Web Design Guide

Template Driven Web Pages

Overview of Process of Creating Web Pages From Templates

Although having templates for the generation of static web pages offer many advantages, these would be moot if it were not quite easy to generate the HTML pages from the template files. This document discusses the mechanics of doing this.

Directory Structure

First off, a brief detour describing the structure of directories in the PCS web document tree. Under each directory, there may be the special directories

There should also be a file (or a symlink to a file) Makefile.

The tt directory is where all the templates for the Perl Template Toolkit based web pages are. The templates therein should all end in an .tt extension. This directory does not need to be read by the web server, and the web server should not have read access to it. This directory should also contain an RCS subdirectory for storing past version history with the revision control system.

The m4 directory is the same as the tt directory, but the m4 based templates are stored here, with an .m4 extension.

Depending on when the content directory was created, it may have just a tt directory, just a m4 directory, or both. If it has neither, the HTML files are not template created.

The index-files directory may exist in some directories with tt subdirectories. It is used to hold the .idx files associated with the Template Toolkit created HTML files containing data about how the page should be indexed. It should be readable by phys:cron-pcswww-indexing but not by the web server.

The Makefile is typically just a symlink to the one in the parent directory, until one reaches the top of the PCS document tree.

If you are creating a new directory in the document structure, just create the directory, along with tt and tt/RCS subdirectories, and ln -s ../Makefile to make a symlink to the makefile in the parent directory.

Creating HTML documents from Templates

The good news is that this is all taken care of by the Makefile. Even the complications from having two systems for templating.

Generally, once you create a template in the tt subdirectory, or edit an existing template in either the tt or m4 directories, you only need to return to the content directory and type make. All template files in both directories are examined, and if the corresponding HTML file is missing or older than the template, the template will be processed to create the HTML file. For tt files with indexing topics, the index-files directory will be created if needed and the page specific .idx will be regenerated (The Master Index files will not be updated until the nightly collection of all the individual .idx files. )

On rare occasions, e.g. if changes were made to the base template definitions but not the file specific content, the make command may fail to regenerate a page you want regenerated (as it thinks there is no need to). The program can be easily coerced into doing that for an individual file by either using the touch command on the template file, or by deleting the HTML file, and re-running make.

If you want to regenerate all the pages on the web (at least all PCS pages), or all pages under a certain directory, you could run make in each directory. But the scripts and in the /dept/phys/htdocs/tt-html-stuff will do that for you. Just run the relevant script followed by the path to the top of the directory tree you want to regenerate pages under (it defaults to the directory you are in), and it will go through and run the make command in each subdirectory. The version actually touches each template file first, forcing the html page to be regenerated, where as the other version only regenerates pages that are out of date relative to the template.

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