New Model Course in
Applied Quantum Physics
A set of
instructor resources for
introductory modern physics and quantum mechanics
Welcome to the web-based version of
A New Model Course in Applied Quantum Physics.
The materials in this web site are
not intended to be a stand-alone course but rather a set of resources
for instructors of introductory quantum mechanics and modern
physics. Information on understanding how students learn the
physics and materials for use in the classroom are included.
If you are interested in pilot testing
any of these materials, please contact us. At no cost to you,
we will give you
- a CD containing the materials,
- logistic support, and
- other important information and materials.
In exchange, we ask you to give us
feedback. Please contact Richard
Steinberg if you would like to receive a CD.
Some of the links within this site
refer to other locations on the WWW. These are noted with a (WWW).
Some of the materials on this site are password protected, but
the password is available upon request from Michael
The materials here are in preliminary
form and subject to change.
If you have used these materials and
would like to fill out an online survey to give us feedback,
please click here.
Note: To view materials on
this web site, you may need Adobe
Acrobat Reader (WWW), Apple
QuickTime (WWW), the Macromedia
Shockwave (WWW) browser plugin, and (for Macintosh users)
the HotJava
(WWW) browswer from Sun.
The work for this project was conducted
by Edward F. Redish, Richard N. Steinberg, Michael C. Wittmann,
and the Physics Education Research Group at the University of
Maryland and was sponsored by the National Science Foundation
and the Fund for the Improvement of Post Secondary Education.
All feedback on the materials is appreciated.
Please e-mail comments to redish@physics.umd.edu,