Dear Readers,
Welcome to a special June 2005 supplement to The Photon, where we're highlighting our Spring 2005 graduating class! We are so proud of this group of bright, young scientists that we couldn't be happier to celebrate this landmark with the appropriate blend of pomp and circumstance and Physics Department camaraderie that it deserves.
To our Class of 2005, know that we wish you the very best in your choice of the many paths now available to you. During your time here, you have become part of the Physics Department family and we want you to remember that you will remain a part of that family long after you've tossed your tassel. So, keep in touch with us. If you stay connected to us, we can be a valuable resource for professional connections, mentorship and much more.
To the many parents, spouses, family and friends who attended this year's graduation festivities, we thank you. Your support of our newest alumni is invaluable and we were very pleased to be able to welcome you to our campus for such a special time. Also, many thanks to all the faculty and staff who participated in the commencement ceremonies, making it a special day for everyone involved.
I hope you enjoy the information, photo albums and honors we've compiled for this issue. Should you have any questions about the contents, please don't hesitate to contact me at 301-405-5945 or
Warmest regards,

Karrie Sue Hawbaker