The task is to find a way to represent RGB colors from using a single variable $x$. I could use HSV where $h=x$ and set $s$ and $v$ to a constant, that would work, but in HSV $h$ is an angle that goes from 0 to 360, and so small $h$ ($h=\delta$) and and large $h$) ($h=360-\delta$) will give the same RGB value, which is not what you might want.
The key to making this transformation is that it be two way: $x\to RGB$ and $RBG\to x$, and the $RGB\to x$ is the hard part because we want things to be single valued. Since we have 3 colors (RGB), we want a transformation $x\to RGB$ that always has at least one of the 3 colors off. And, we want the colors to wax and wane, in a continuous way. Something like the following seems to work. You can drag around the inside of the black box and it will show you the transformation from $x$, the horizontal scale, to the 3 colors $R$, $G$, $B$. Note that we've defined 6 regions, where the conditions in each region are constant ($R$, $G$, $B$ don't change or change linearly): $I\to x=[0,0.2)$, $II\to x=[0.2,0.3)$, $III\to x=[0.3,0.5)$, $IV\to x=[0.5,0.6)$, $V\to x=[0.6,0.8)$, $VI\to x=[0.8,1.0]$.
| ||||||||
Color: |
function xtorgb(x) { // // x goes between 0 and 1 // let r=0, g=0, b=0; if (x < 0.2) { r = Math.floor( 255*x/0.3 ); g = 0; b = 0; } else if (x < 0.3) { r = Math.floor( 255*x/0.3 ); g = Math.floor( 255*(x-0.2)/0.3 ); b = 0; } else if (x < 0.4) { r = Math.floor( 255*(1-(x-0.3)/0.3) ); g = Math.floor( 255*(x-0.2)/0.3 ); b = 0; } else if (x < 0.5) { r = Math.floor( 255*(1-(x-0.3)/0.3) ); g = Math.floor( 255*(x-0.2)/0.3 ); b = 0; } else if (x < 0.6) { r = Math.floor( 255*(1-(x-0.3)/0.3) ); g = Math.floor( 255*(1-(x-0.5)/0.3) ); b = 0; } else if (x < 0.7) { r = 0; g = Math.floor( 255*(1-(x-0.5)/0.3) ); b = Math.floor( 255*(x-0.6)/0.4 ); } else if (x < 0.8) { r = 0; g = Math.floor( 255*(1-(x-0.5)/0.3) ); b = Math.floor( 255*(x-0.6)/0.4 ); } else { r = 0; g = 0; b = Math.floor( 255*(x-0.6)/0.4 ); } return {r:r, g:g, b:b} }where $x$ is the input and the return is an object, with members $r$, $g$, $b$, like this:
nc = xtorgb(x); r = nc.r; g = nc.g; b = nc.b;To turn $(r,g,b)$ into a color of the form "#$ABCDEF$", you can use:
color = intstocolor(r,g,b);where the code for that is here:
function intstocolor(r1,r2,r3) { s1 = r1.toString(16).toUpperCase(); if (r1 < 16) s1 = "0"+s1; s2 = r2.toString(16).toUpperCase(); if (r2 < 16) s2 = "0"+s2; s3 = r3.toString(16).toUpperCase(); if (r3 < 16) s3 = "0"+s3; let newc = "#"+s1+s2+s3; return newc; }
Now for the reverse transformation. This is a lot easier to code up than you might think. It's just a series of questions asking which of the 3 colors is identically 00, and branching. The flow chart looks like this:
Starting from the top, $G=0?$, this tells us that we are either in region $I$ or region $V-VI$. In region $I$, $R>0$ so if we test on $R=0?$ we will know if we are to the left or right of where $G>0$. If $R=0$, then we are to the right, and the value for $x$ is determined entirely by the value of $B$. If we are to the left, then we use the value of $R$ to determine $x$. If we are in the region where $G>0$, then if $R=0$ we are in region $V$ and again we can use the value for $B$ to determine $x$. If $R>0$ then we are either in region $II$-$III$ where $G$ is increasing, or region $IV$ where $G$ is decreasing, but either way all we need to know if the value for $G$ to determine $x$. Voila. The canvas below shows the color scheme as $x$ increases bottom to top. Click on a color and it will show you the corresponding value of $x$.
function rgbtox(r,g,b) { let x = -1; if (g == 0) { if (r == 0) x = (0.4*b/255) + 0.6; else x = .3*r/255; } else { if (r == 0) x = (0.4*b/255) + 0.6; else { if (r < 255/3) x = (0.3*(1-g/255)) + 0.5; else x = (0.3*g/255) + 0.2; } } return x; }Note: the color scheme here increases from red ("coolest") to blue ("hottest"). If you want to change it so that it goes the other way, just interchange $r$ and $b$ in the two routines above (xtorgb and rgbtox).
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