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Thursday, Jan. 29 2:00 pm Room 4102 |
Albert Roura,
"Quantum fluctuations of an evaporating black hole and de Sitter spacetime" |
Thursday, Feb. 12 2:00 pm Room 4102 |
Evan Ochsner,
University of Maryland
"Spin effects in gravitational waveforms from inspiralling black hole binaries" |
Friday, Feb. 13 MCFP Colloquium 1:30 pm Room 1201 |
Robert Myers,
Perimeter Institute
"Rheology and the quark-gluon plasma" |
Wednesday, Feb. 18 Joint with CSCAMM 2:00 pm Room 4122 CSIC Bldg |
Harald Pfeiffer,
"Binary black hole simulations and implicit time-stepping" |
Thursday, Feb. 19 2:00 pm Room 4102 |
Nico Yunes,
Princeton University
"Was Einstein right-handed" |
Thursday, Feb. 26 2:00 pm Room 4102 |
Eugene Lim,
Columbia University
"Primordial non-Gaussianities from inflation: Current bounds and future prospects" |
Friday, Feb. 27 Joint with CSCAMM 12:00 pm Room 4122 CSIC Bldg |
Nicholas Taylor,
Cornell University
"Second-order spectral evolutions" |
Friday, Feb. 27 Joint with JQI 4:00 pm Room 4102 |
Albert Roura,
"Atom interferometers for gravitational-wave detection and other gravitational measurements. Report on the Florence conference" |
Monday, Mar. 9 CSCAMM Seminar 12:15 pm Room 4122 CSIC Bldg |
Werner Benger,
Louisiana State University
"Fiberbundle-based visualization of a stir tank fluid" |
Friday, Mar. 13 MCFP Colloquium 1:00 pm Room 1201 |
Christian Bauer,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
"NLO calculations and parton showers" |
Thursday, Mar. 19 No seminar |
No seminar -- Spring Break
Thursday, Mar. 26 12:00 pm Room 4122 CSIC Bldg |
Ian Hinder,
Albert Einstein Institute
"Eccentric binary black hole systems in numerical relativity and post-Newtonian theory" |
Friday, Mar. 27 MCFP Colloquium 1:30 pm Room 1201 |
Paul Steinhardt,
Princeton University
"Endless universe" |
Thursday, Apr. 2 -- Saturday, Apr. 4 Conference @ UMD Room 4122 CSIC Bldg |
Shedding Light on Dark Matter Organizers -- K. Abazajian, X. Ji, M. Ricotti and M. Tiglio |
Monday, Apr. 6 JQI seminar joint with QCI 12:30 pm Room 1201 |
Shih-Yuin Lin,
National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Taiwan
"The spatial dependence of entanglement and quantum nonlocality in EPR" |
Friday, Apr. 10 MCFP Colloquium 1:30 pm Room 1201 |
Edward Shuryak,
SUNY, Stony Brook
"Strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma" |
Monday, Apr. 13 Joint with JQI 12:30 pm Room 1201 |
Yanbei Chen,
"Mirror cooling through quantum entanglement and LIGO noise reduction |
Thursday, Apr. 16 2:00 pm Room 4102 |
Pranesh Sundararajan,
"Using black hole perturbation theory to understand extreme mass ratio inspirals" |
Wednesday, Apr. 22 Joint with CSCAMM 2:00 pm Room 4122 CSIC Bldg |
David Luebke,
NVIDIA Research
"Graphics hardware and GPU computing: Past, present and future" |
Thursday, Apr. 23 2:00 pm Room 4102 |
Latham Boyle,
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics
"Inflationary bootstrap relations, blinking black holes" |
Thursday, Apr. 30 2:00 pm Room 4102 |
Rafael Sorkin,
Perimeter Institute
"Nonlocality from Planck-scale discreteness: problem and opportunity for quantum gravity" |
Friday, May 1 1:00 pm Room 2400 CSS Bldg |
Goddard/Maryland Interaction Day,
Click here for program information |
Thursday, May 7 2:00 pm Room 4102 |
Bence Kocsis,
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University
"Black hole mergers and electromagnetic counterparts" |
Tuesday, May 26 3:00 pm Room 4102 |
Don Page,
University of Alberta
"The Born rule dies" |
Thursday, June 11 2:00 pm Room 4102 |
David Brown,
North Carolina State University
"Probing the puncture for black hole simulations" |
Friday, June 12 2:00 pm Room 4102 |
Alexandre Le Tiec,
GReCO, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
"Post-Newtonian calculation of the gravitational self-force for black hole binaries" |
Wednesday, June 17 2:00 pm Room 4102 |
Lila Warszawski,
University of Melbourne
"Gravitational wave bursts from vortex avalanches in pulsar glitches" |
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