Announcements for Physics 622 (Prof. Agashe) Ð Fall 2020


(1). HW solutions are posted here.

(2). Final (total of HW: 50%, midterm exam: 20% and final exam: 30%) scores for the course (as %) and

letter grades are posted on ELMS (latter also on UMEG).

(3). Final exam (Òtake-homeÓ):


(a). solutions are posted here


(b). average score was about 106 (out of a maximum possible of 125), i.e., 84%, with a standard deviation of

17 (i.e., 13%): a distribution (of %) is posted here.


(4). ÒTake-homeÓ midterm:


(a). solutions are posted here


(b). average score was about 60 (out of a maximum possible of 66), i.e., 90%, with a standard deviation of 7 (i.e., 10%):

a distribution is posted here.