Announcements for Physics 601 (Prof. Agashe) – Fall 2015


(1). HW 10 and 11 have been assigned here and are due Friday, December 11 by 5 pm. in folder near Rm. 3118 of PSC.


(2). HW 2 through 11 solutions have been posted here.


(3). Take-home final exam had been assigned by email (and here) around noon on December 14 (Monday) and was due December 18 (Friday) by noon in folder near Rm. 3118 of PSC. Results are


(i)            Average (out of maximum possible of 100) was 80.


     (ii)      Solutions are posted here.


(4). Course evaluations are due here by December 13 (Sunday).


(5). Results of the midterm exam:


(i)            Solutions are posted here.


     (ii)      Average score (out of maximum possible of 50) was (about) 45, with standard deviation of (about) 4.


(5). Some notes on relating impact parameter (s) to scattering angle (theta) and on a piece of algebra involving angular velocity are posted here.


(6). The schedule/location of office hours is as follows (they are also listed on course webpage):


(i)        By instructor:


Tuesday 2.30-3.30 pm. in Rm. 1303 (note not 1304!) of Toll building


 Thursday 3-4 pm. in Rm. 3118 of PSC


(ii)      By TA:


Monday: 2-3 pm. in Rm. of Toll building


Wednesday: 3-4 pm. in Rm. 1303 (note not 1304!)  of Toll building


Please note location and day carefully. The ones in Rm. 1303 of Toll building (which is actually a small classroom) will be sort of informal discussion sessions, i.e., you are not required to attend them, but it will be useful to do so!