A textbook was left in the exam room - drop by my office to claim it.
Final Exam: Average 74, St. Dev. 18, Max 99
Please fill out the Course Evaluation
Classical Mechanics
Teaching Assistant: Hao Wu [hao.harry.wu 'at' gmail.com] Room 0220 Physics (soutwest corner of basement), 301-318-5058, Office Hours: Wed. 5-6 PM in 0360 |
Syllabus Class Schedule | |
Prof. Anlage Schedule Instructions for finding Prof. Anlage's Office | |
Supplementary Material (including lecture highlights and recordings) |
Final Exam formula sheet (let me know if anything is wrong or missing!) | |
Solving problems involving Newton's laws and conservation laws | |
Summer Undergrad. Research @ NIST/Boulder; Quantum Information school for undergraduates | |
Prof. Anlage Research Web Site | |
The Feynman Lectures on Physics | |
Khan Academy Physics Videos | |
Download Mathematica for free: https://terpware.umd.edu/Windows/Package/2032 Download Matlab for free: https://terpware.umd.edu/Windows/Package/2053 |
Homework #0 | |
Homework Assignments | |
Homework #1 | |
Homework #2 | |
Homework #3 | |
Homework #4 | |
Homework #5 | |
Homework #7 | |
Homework #8 | |
Homework #9 | |
Homework #12 (NOT collected) |