University of Maryland

PHYS375 Spring 2017
Secs. 0101 (M), 0201 (Tu) & 0301 (W)

Profs. Hill & Skuja

Experimental Physics III: 
Electromagnetic Waves, Optics and Modern Physics

Lecture Room:   Physics Room 1402
Lab:                   Physics Room 3203

Lectures:   M 14:00 - 14:50
Labs:         M (0101), Tu (0201) & W (0301) 15:00 - 17:50

Required -
   Introduction to Modern Optics, 2rd Ed., Grant R. Fowels, Dover.

Recommended, one of the following -
   An Introduction to Error Analysis: The study of Uncertainty in Physical Measurements, 2nd Ed., J. R. Taylor, University Science Book,
   Data Reduction and Error Anyalysi for the Physical Sciences, 3rd Philip R. Bevington and D. Keith Robinson, Mc Graw Hill.

Course Information: 
Schedule - Use this link to download lecture notes.

Contact Information:
Lab Coordinator

Support Links:
ELMS - Download & Submit HW Assignments and Lab Notes & Reports; View Grades

Final Exam:
UMD Registrar - Link to find schedule for final; look for MWF 2:00pm courses.


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