PHYS276 Sections 0101 & 0201
- 03/28/07
A discussion is planned for the week of April 2.
This will be short but mandatory. As promised, you must turn in your
lab notebooks during this period. I will be looking primarily at your
entries for Lab VIa. I will grade your notebooks and return the
following week in time for you to do Lab VIb.
You will have an opportunity to redo any measurements form Lab VIa
for the rest of the period. You will have one extra day to turn in
your lab notebooks if you take advantage of this opportunity.
Please note, missing notebooks will be rewarded
with lower scores!
- 03/08/07
Please note that I changed the schedule for the first
two weeks after Spring Break. This change affects when Lab VIa will be done.
Instead of a discussion the on 4/2 & 4/3, we will do Lab VIa. The discussion
will be held the following week.
- 01/30/07
Now that we have met and all appear to have access the
ELMS, we can get down to the task of learning. As I mentioned in class, your
first homework assignment is due 1 Hr before class starts. Please download
and get started. If you have questions, please send an email. I'll
try to read my email at least once a day.
- 01/24/07
Welcome to PHYS276. First class meetings will be Monday
January 29, 2007 and Tuesday January 30, 2003 in Rm. 3120 at 14:00 (Sec. 0101)
and 13:00 (Sec. 0201).