- 02/20/06
Please note the following change regarding uploading data sheets
at the end of lab.
You should upload your data sheets to WebCT at the end
of the lab. Even though you can submit multiple times and
multiple files, you do not have to submit your worksheets
at this time. If you do, you will not be able to submit your
final write-up after the deadline -- i.e., late!
- 02/01/06
For problem #2 of the homework due the week of Feb. 6, you can
scan your calculation to submit via WebCT. If you submit more than one page, be sure
to submit contents to indicate how many pages there should be and where to find each
- 02/01/06
The lecture notes from this week are now posted.
- 01/25/06
Welcome to PHYS276. First class meetings will be Monday
January 30, 2006 and Tuesday January 31, 2006 in Rm. 3120 at 14:00 (Sec. 0101)
and 13:00 (Sec. 0201).