Kyle Gustafson
Sections: 0103, 0117, 0118
Phone: 5-6192
Nicholas Mecholsky
Sections: 0105, 0107, 0119
Office: 4219
Phone: 5-6073
Christopher Stark
Sections: 0102, 0106, 0116
Office: 1322
Phone: 5-6185
Meeting Times of Labs for Physics 271 for Fall 2004
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
8:00 | |||||
9:00 | |||||
10:00 | Sect 0105 Mecholsky | ||||
11:00 | Sect 0105 Mecholsky | Sect 0117 Gustafson | |||
12:00 | Sect 0105 Mecholsky | Sect 0117 Gustafson | |||
13:00 | Sect 0106 Stark | Sect 0116 Stark | Sect 0117 Gustafson | ||
14:00 | Sect 0106 Stark | Sect 0116 Stark | Sect 0118 Gustafson | TA Meeting | |
15:00 | Sect 0102 Stark | Sect 0106 Stark | Sect 0116 Stark | Sect 0118 Gustafson | TA Meeting |
16:00 | Sect 0102 Stark | Sect 0107 Mecholsky | Sect 0118 Gustafson | ||
17:00 | Sect 0102 Stark | Sect 0107 Mecholsky | Sect 0119 Mecholsky | ||
18:00 | Sect 0103 Gustafson | Sect 0107 Mecholsky | Sect 0119 Mecholsky | ||
19:00 | Sect 0103 Gustafson | Sect 0119 Mecholsky | |||
20:00 | Sect 0103 Gustafson | ||||
21:00 |
Labs meet in room 3220 of the physics building
Fall 2004 Handout
Physics 271
Physics 271 is the laboratory associated with Physics 270 and meets in room Phys-3220. This course carries one credit. You must pass Physics 270 as well as 271. If you do not pass 271 you will be required to repeat both 270 and 271. The grade for Physics 271 will be identical to that of Physics 270 (as required by the Engineering College) The labs meet for three hours a week and you will be expected to complete eight regular labs and two culminating laboratory activities. You must complete all of the labs, including the culminating labs, in order to pass the course. You are expected to attend each class and will be allowed to make up labs only under exceptional circumstances. The Physics 271 laboratory uses the Excel spreadsheet to analyze data while in the lab. If you have taken Physics 261 within the last few semesters and have learned to use the spreadsheet, you will be fine. If you have not had spreadsheet experience or would like an opportunity to review the spreadsheet, the first week of lab will be an optional tutorial. You might find it useful to stop by and meet your TA this first week, even if you don't need the tutorial.
During the three hour laboratory period, you will have a brief introduction about the lab, perform the experiment, do your analysis and write-up and turn in your report. The experiment should take less than two hours to perform (including the introduction), but in order for you to complete your work in the allotted time you must read the lab write-up before coming to class and answer the prelab questions.
Our aim in this lab is to enhance the understanding of the laboratory experiments you perform while at the same time minimizing the amount of time spent on analysis and write-ups. This means that it is not necessary to do extensive write-ups. Overly long or padded lab reports will be penalized. Each week's lab includes a prelab assignment. The culminating labs are special labs where you will be given questions about a number of the labs you performed during the semester. The list of possible questions is included in the lab manual and you should review the ones for each lab after you have completed that experiment. This will make the culminating lab much easier! More questions may be handed out during the semester.
The course grade for Physics 271 will be determined as
70% for the eight regular labs
30% for the culminating laboratories.
The scoring on the regular labs will be based approximately
as follows:
Prelab 20% ( 0, 10%, 20%)
Data 40%
Analysis 25%
Questions 15%
The prelab will graded in units of 10%. In order to get 20% on the prelab you must make a sincere attempt to do the prelab completely. Incomplete or poorly done prelabs will be graded at either 0 or 10%. You will work with lab partners and will share data with them. However, you will be responsible for doing your own analysis and write-up. Each person in the group will also be required to demonstrate proficiency with the spreadsheet. You will be tested on this basic skill during the lab sessions. If by the end of the second lab, you cannot demonstrate to your teaching assistant the ability to do simple tasks on the spreadsheet your grade will be progressively reduced each week until you can. The point is: you must learn to use the spreadsheet. You must buy the current lab manual available at the bookstore.
The first labs will be held the
week of September 6.
Lab Schedule for Fall 2004
Aug 30-Sep 3 No Lab.
Sep 6-10 Experiment 0 --- Optional Review of Excel
Sep 13-17 Experiment 1 --- The Oscilloscope and Multimeter
Sep 20-24 Experiment 2 --- The Resistors and Capacitors
Sep 27-Oct 1 Experiment 3 --- Faraday's Law of Induction
Oct 4-8 Experiment 4 --- LR and LRC Circuits
Oct 11-15 Make-up and Discussion week
Oct 18-22 First Culminating Lab. (Experiments 1-4)
Oct 25-29 Experiment 5 --- Diffraction
Nov 1-5 Experiment 6 --- Polarized Light
Nov 8-12 Experiment 7 -- The Hydrogen Spectrum
Nov 15-19 Experiment 8 --- The Radioactive Half-Life of Indium
Nov 22-26 Thanksgiving Break
Nov 29-Dec 3 Make-up and Discussion Week
Dec 6-10 Second Culminating Lab. (Experiments 5-8)
You must do and write up all labs. If you have missed a lab for an excused reason (illness, religious holiday, etc) try if possible to attend another lab that same week. Most TA's will be accommodating. If this fails, you may, with permission of the Professor, perform the lab during make-up week for that lab. Make sure that your write-up gets to the TA of your regularly scheduled section. (Put your name, section number and time it meets on all sheets.)
Let your regular TA know when and with whom you carried out a make-up lab. It is your
responsibility to ensure that you are credited for all lab reports. Do not throw out
returned lab reports until the semester is over.
The University is one of a small number of universities with a student-administered
Honor Code and an Honor Pledge, available on the web at
The Code prohibits students from cheating on exams, plagiarizing papers, submitting the
same paper for credit in two courses without authorization, buying papers, submitting
fraudulent documents, and forging signatures. Compliance with the code is administered by
the Student Hour Council (phone: 314-9154) and it is expected that you will comply with
the Code throughout your participation in the P271 laboratory activities.
ELECTRICITY, & MAGNETISM (LAB) must be taken in the same semester to count for
CORE Lab Science. PHYS 270 taken alone will NOT
count as a non-lab science for CORE.
Last modified: 08/27/04 1:00 PM
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