Sections 0201 - 0204 Announcements
PHYS260 Fall09 - Prof. Hill
- 09/02/09
Lecture notes for 8/31 and 9/02 have been posted.
I have received questions about homework. You are to do the five problems listed as "practice" for a grade. You are to turn in the first assignment, with all work shown, in lecture on Wednesday 09/09/09. The assignments will be collected at the end of lecture by the TAs, who will arrive at 4:15. The assignments must be turned in on time (i.e., the TAs must walk away with them from the lecture hall) to be graded! Assignments given to the TAs or me after this time will at best receive the 5 points for completing the assignment. They will not receive any of the 20 pts for having one of the problems graded. Please note, you are not to turn in the online portion of the homework.
- 08/29/09
Welcome to the Fall 2009 edition of PHYS260 for sections 0201 - 0204. The lecture for these sections meet MW from 15:00 to 16:15 in PHY 1412. The first lecture meeting will be on August 31, 2009. Discussion/recitation sections also meet the first week: Tuesday, September 1 (0201 - 0203) and Wednesday, September 2 (0204). During the first meeting a survey will be administered. The survey is part of a study of our intro courses. Participation is not required, but strongly encouraged. (It is actually an enjoyable experience). Your performance in the survey will not impact your grade in this course in any way and I will not see individual scores. The survey will be given after information specific to our course is discussed.
We will use MasteringPhysics for homework as described in the syllabus. If you purchased a new copy of the text (which included an access code) or a separate access code within the last two years, it should still be valid and you should not have to purchase a new code. Sign up for this course as you have in the past. To view a video tutorial on obtaining access to MasteringPhysics click here. The course ID is MPHILL10229. When you login be sure that you use your 9-digit numerical UID for the Student ID. If you use anything else, you will not get credit for your work! You can begin to login on Monday 8/31/09.
Throughout the semester, general announcements will be posted on the ELMS (Blackboard) announcement page that can be found here. You are responsible for keeping up with all announcements!