PHYS 121, Fall 2006

Lecture Notes
Contact Information

Home Page


Prof. Douglas Roberts
4308 Physics


On-Line course evaluation is available for you to fill out.  You will receive course participation points for filling out the evaluation.  Please give feedback as we continually try to improve our courses.

Please check your clicker results on WebAssign.  If your clicker participation isn't being recorded, let me know ASAP.  Typical problems are:

  • Typing in the wrong serial number when you registered your clicker, usually misreading a zero as an "O"
  • Changing clickers and not telling me.  Even if you re-register a new clicker, you have to let me know that you have done so.  I don't get any kind of automated notification if changes are made and I need to update my files in order for your participation to be recorded in class.

Clicker Participants List (as of Oct. 13)

Your clicker ID number can be found on this page.  You should also verify that your serial number on your clicker is recorded correctly.  Let me know if you see a problem.  -Doug


A description of the course procedures, materials, and grading.


The times and places for lectures, sections, and the Course Center.

Class Schedule

A detailed schedule for lectures, laboratories, tutorials, and exams.


Includes a guide to the character, structure, and requirements for the laboratory,
as well as the lab handouts.

Lecture Slides

The slides used in the PowerPoint presentations in lecture can be found here.

Homework on WebAssign

Information on using WebAssign is located here.

Contact Information

E-mail contacts for the instructors and teaching assistants.



Serway and Faughn, "College Physics", ed. 7

Prof. Douglas Roberts

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