1. In the Quincke's interference tube experiment (text p. 40) one of the tubes is 20 cm longer than the other. When the speaker puts out 1000 Hz, no sound reaches the microphone. What is (probably) the speed of sound in the gas that fills the tubes? (Show your work!)
2. Text, Chapter 3, problem 2c, leaving out the last sentence
4. Text, Chaper 2, problem 6
5. We have a source of sound emitting a constant frequency (according to a co-moving observer). Can it move in such a way that some (most) stationary observers hear a Doppler effect, but other (fewer) stationary observers hear a constant, un-shifted frequency? Along what kind of curve should such a source move?
6. The space shuttle moves straight up with a velocity exceeding the speed of sound. Explain, by means of a diagram, why an observer near the launching pad does not hear a sonic boom.